

The old man's haunted painting
The painting was yellowed with rounded edges. It was a masterpiece and it was lying in my hand. Wait, have I stolen it? I don't remember anything. And the first question in my mind was, how did I reach this art gallery? who brought me here?"excuse me" I called a helper and asked him to take the painting back and put it where ever it was previously. " I am sorry, ma'am.I can't. Our store's policy says that a product once sold cannot be taken back." the helper said." Wait,what's going on here? Did I just buy that thing?" I asked him, anxiously. " Yes ma'am, you did. he said." what??? wait a min.. how much does that thing cost?" I asked him." It's $3400 , ma'am. It's the most expensive piece from our gallery. " What?? are you out of your mind? That's someone's life's earning!!! and,to be honest,I did not buy it, and I am not interested in any kind of art." I said him." Ma'am, please try to understand, this.....' Wait.. what's happening over here? what just happened??" I looked back to see what it was. It was a woman . I soon came to know that she was the owner of the gallery." Madam, I continued,this guy says that I bought this painting when I did not even do! and he is forcing me to buy it anyway!" I said." Wait, which guy are you talking about? there's no guy right here. Madam, please control yourself. our costomers are complaining that you are yelling and talking to none but yourself . I think you should go back home and take rest. you seem to be unwell. " the owner said." Are you......." " please, Madam"the owner cut my sentence. I was really very angry. how can someone blame me when I am innocent? Anyways, I went back to my home and started thinking how and when did I reach the art gallery. Nothing was coming up to my mind, so I decided to give up and go to sleep.
At the middle of the night,I heard someone calling my name, when it's just me who lives in my house.I thought I was very tensed so It was my illusion or something like that.but when I repeatedly heard my name, I followed the noise. It was coming from my cupboard.I opened it, and was shocked to see the same painting in my cupboard. I quickly called my house owner when I realised this all started since I rented this house, that's from day before yesterday. When the owner came, I asked her if she knew anything about the painting. At the first, she hesitated a little bit. But I convinced her to tell me the truth. She did. She told me that 3 years ago, her talented daughter used to live here . she used to be a famous painter, and loved her job. her father, my husband, was very close to her. but he was growing old, so passed away soon.after hearing this, her daughter was grief strickened. to her dearest father's memory, she made his painting and kept it in her cupboard. After sometime, she also died because of severe illness. Since then, the painting was kept in the art gallery and whoever stay in this house, has to keep the painting too until thay leave the house...