

The gold coin
There once was this little girl named Lucy. She lived in an old ruggedy weary house. She loved to go out to play with her friends on a beautiful sunny day just like any child her age. She was not privileged like the other girls, she did not have fancy dolls, new clothes or a room to call her own. But she was thankful for all that her grandmother had provided her with.
At night she would pray that maybe soon she would have all those things. Lucy's favorite thing to do was go into town and look at the bakery and candy shop.
"Do you want to come with us and get some candy,Lucy?" her friends would say.
"No, not today. I am to full from grandmas delicious pie." She would say as she looked longingly at the chocolate bars in the shop.
She hated to lie, but she was to embarrassed to let her friends know how little she had.
As Lucy was walking towards home she decided that she no longer wanted to go to school, she wanted to make more money for her grandmother and her to have food and clothes.
" Grandma?" Lucy said as she opened the front door, She saw her grandmother sitting in the same old rocking chair that she loved dearly. "I want to ask if its okay if it stop going to school. I want to work. I want us to have a better life." Grandma sat quietly just knitting away.
"And what brought such a notion into your head child. You know my scarves and blankets are bringing us enough money for the time being, besides you need your education to get a good job." Lucy looked sadly to the floor. She wasn't trying to seem ungrateful for everything her grandmother has done for her. But she felt that much more can be done even without an education.
" It was just an idea or maybe I can work part time at the bakery, I know miss Wendel needs somebody to deliver the bread. I know I can do that. Please grandma." Lucy looked at her with her sad beautiful blue eyes.
"Well alright then, but only if it doesn't interfere with any of your homework." Grandma said.
"Yay! thank you so much, grandmother, you will not regret this." Lucy hugged her tightly.
Everyday Lucy would go after school to help miss Wendel, slowly she started making more and more money. So much in fact that she was able to buy her grandmother and herself new beautiful winter jackets, as the days were begging to get cold.
"Thank you so much for your help, Lucy." Ms. Wendel said. "Since you have been working so hard every day I want to give you this." Ms. Wendel hands her a box, it was a little heavy for quite a small box.
"What is it?" Lucy asks.
"Why dont you take a look inside." Lucy begins to open the box eager to know what is inside.
" A gold coin...How is this tiny thing so heavy?" Lucy looked at it curiously.
"When I was a little girl a man that owned a small shop gave this to me and since that day all my dreams have come true." Ms. Wendel said.
"But how can a coin make my dreams come true?" Lucy asked.
"You just have to believe, but promise me you will not share this with anyone else and when you have all the things you want one day do not forget about those who may have nothing at all." Ms. Wendel said.
"I won't, I promise with all my heart." She said with a smile.
"Run along now, you need to be home to help your grandmother." Ms. wendel waved goodbye as Lucy started for home.
Lucy stepped inside her home and kicked off her shoes. Grandma was sitting at the kitchen table with worry covering her face.
"Grandmother what is wrong?" Lucy asks.
" We don't have anything to eat, I don't know what I will do my dear." Tears filled her eyes.
" don't worry grandma I will find us something." Lucy knew this was the time to try her special coin. She grabbed it out from the box that Ms. Wendel gave her, holding it tightly she closed her eyes and made a wish. "I wish that we had food in our fridge" Lucy whispers. 'Please work' Lucy thinks to herself.
She slowly walks over to the fridge and opens it, right in front of her is vegetables, a steak and fresh milk. "Grandma, look!" Lucy says.
"Whatever is wrong, Lucy?" When her grandmother looks inside the fridge she is shocked, how did all this wonderful food get here? "Lucy, where did this all come from?" Her grandmother asks.
"Well I don't know. I wasn't here all day grandma. Maybe one of the neighbors brought it for us." She says as convincingly as she can.
"Maybe you are right my dear. Don't worry just go finish your homework and I will make us a soup."
"Can I go outside and play after?" Lucy asks.
"As long as you finish your homework." Grandma says as she starts to chop the onions.
Lucy quickly finishes up her homework and rushes outside, takes the coin out from her pocket and looks at it. 'How did this happen?' she wonders, 'Can I make this happen again?' Lucy closes her eyes and wishes that her and her grandmother have 2 beautiful beds and her very own room. Lucy puts the gold coin back into her pocket and goes inside, when she goes inside she looks around and sees a door, when she goes over and opens it she sees a beautiful room with her very own bed. Lucy begins to cry because she always wanted her very own bed.
"Lucy?" her grandmother calls. "How did both of these rooms get here? and these beautiful beds?" Lucy realizes she must be careful with this because she cannot tell her grandma.
The next morning she decides to go and see the lady at the bakery before school. "Why hello Lucy, what can I do for you this morning?"
"I was wondering about the coin, can I tell my grandmother about it?" Lucy asks.
"No because then all these wonderful things will disappear and then the coin will become light and die." Ms.Wendel says firmly.
"But why will it die?" Lucy frowns. "My grandma will ask me where all of these things are coming from."
"You cannot tell her. You must work so she thinks you are the one getting these things." Ms.Wendel says.
Sure enough Lucy did as the lady from the bakery told her to do, years went by and every month when Lucy got paid she secretly made a wish, a wish to give her grandmother a beautiful new house, a sewing machine and a car.
Soon enough Lucy owned her very own candy shop and her grandma had everything she could possibly ask for. Lucy never forgot the words of the lady from the bakery, soon she will give her special gift to someone with a kind heart and someone in need.

The End.

© Keziah Waldroop