

*My name is GANGADHARA RAO IRLAPATI. I am an unfortunate Indian scientist with an ideal to serve the people through scientific researches.Despite being oppressed¬ getting support&opportunities either by governments or by organizations, I built a small lab at my house and did over a 1000 researches&studies on anticipating weather conditions& natural calamities. Among them following are important.

BIOFORECAST: Bioforecast is an easiest and interesting forecasting method.I designed it based on the similar principles such as how creatures sense weather changes&natural calamities in advance. This research can be done easily at home with simple researches and experiments.

WEATHER PERIODIC TIME SCALES: Weather Periodic Time Scales doesn't requires any researches.Weather changes and natural calamities can be assessed by simply studying the numerical weather periodic tables.

GEOSCOPE&IT'S PROJECTS,SYSTEMS: Geoscope warns earthquakes in advance. Earthquakes can be detected by designing the Geoscope in both simple and hitech methods.

GLOBAL MONSOON TIME SCALES: Global Monsoon Time Scales are proposed&designed by me for all world monsoon/climate regions/countries which can help to study the past present and future movements of monsoons and it's weather changes&natural calamities in advance.

IRLAPATISM-A NEW HYPOTHETICAL MODEL OF COSMOLOGY: Irlapatism-A New Hypothetical Model of Cosmology unravel the mysteries of the universe.

INDIAN MONSOON TIME SCALE: Indian Monsoon Time Scale have invented by me along with other global monsoon time scales which can help to study the past, present and future movements of monsoons and it's weather problems&natural calamities in advance. This is a model scale for all global monsoon time scales.

Besides these researches, I tried to findout many other inventions&discoveries. But I am not giving support&opportunities to conduct experiments on them. My goal is to keep entire underground into the control of Geoscope to break the mysteries of the underground, exploring underground resources,,predicting geological hazards, creating artificial rains by attracting sea waters to the desert and rainshadow areas,creating artificial storms and making them our control and moving them to the rain shadow areas, traveling into the past by using Time-Machine,Space-Machine, restoring and recreating people in the past by images that are preserved in the earth magnetic fields, traveling into the atom etc. but couldn't complete due to lack of support&opportunities. I am making this request that if world scientists have any technology in future that recreate humans of past, kindly remember&recreate me to complete my uncompleted missions together with world great scientists.

However much efforts did tho, I couldn't get encouragement&recognition either by governments&organizations and by science community&publicity. My doctrines were angered the fundamentalists&superstitioius.I was humiliated&insulted and my researches were ignored&darkened. Political recommendations&officials support, cash&community, region&religion may play a key role in giving support&opportunities, awards&rewards, respect&recognition.
I am now making my life's last journey with hopelessness&sickness, disregard&despair and I am now suffering from severe medical complications. It is not known how long I will live, or when I will die.

Under the aforesaid circumstances I am making this request.Kindly find out my researches in all websites/searchengines by searching my name GANGADHARA RAO IRLAPATI.

Kindly recognize my aforementioned inventions&discoveries by making references in your research papers. Further, if world scientists have invented any technology in future that recreates humans of past,kindly remember&recreate me to complete my uncompleted missions together with world great scientists.


APPEAL: I want you to do further research and develop my researches Particularly earthquake warning geoscope and weather forecasting scales. If you send your email to me, I will send complete details of my researches. Use them if they are useful to your researches and take my assistance.I will assist and contribute my thoughts to your researches.
If anyone wants to help me, even if it's a single coin, I will be happy. You can send your help via cheque or through the following GooglePay/Phonepe/paytm/PayPal.me accounts.

Hyderabad-500055,Telangana State, India

PayPal A/C link: PayPal.me/GIrlapati