


Two young successful couple who has everything yet as nothing find themselves in a situation that may change their lives forever.

Damion: Babes I have something I want to say to you , and it's not something easy and it's best I tell you now before you find out later , plus you always say not to keep anything away from each other , the longer you take to say it, the harder the situation and the problems ,so I'm telling you from now that I'm getting a baby.

Shelly: What ? You must be joking, im not pregnant, so I know it's not me you expecting a child from .

Damion: Shelly your not listening stop with your sarcastic behaviour.

Shelly : You could never be serious at all, so I don't know what you expect me to say, who you expecting a child from because you told me that you didn't want to have kids, you said that you didn't want to be tied down .

Damion: I know what I said Shelly but I've gotten somebody pregnant .

Shelly : who pregnant? you better make sure this is a joke because you could never be serious, your telling me to be open in the relation and don't keep secret now your telling me you've gotten someone pregnant.

Damion: I'm not joking it's either your going to work with the situation or ....

Shelly: Or what? If you know what's good for you , stop with this rubbish! because I don't find anything about this funny, your always trying to provoke my temper it's not the first you pulled a stunt like this and it turned out you was pulling a prank, so if this is a prank just end it I don't like it .

Damion: Shelly!

Shelly: Damion ..... How do you expect me to react to this nonsense that your telling me. I woke up this morning in a really good mood and now you trying to spoil it .

Damion: That's your problem you don't like to accept reality all when it's right before your very eye, you try to justify it , I'm not pampering you anymore or am I trying to hurt you Shelly, I've gotten a girl pregnant I was having an affair and I want the child and seeing that your my wife I'm letting you know before you find out, I wanted you to hear it from me.

Shelly: Your cheating on me, now you want child, and I'm your wife and I have to deal with it. I must deal with it, are you mad ?
This can't be real, Damion !

Damion: Babes never expected this to happen between us. You know things was not going well between us and you was being very hard to deal with.

Shelly: kmt! Your a mad man, you better let her get rid of it, or else.

Damion: Or else what?, what your going to do?, just sit down woman and relax yourself,

Shelly: I! must sit down!
Damion at least I deserve to know who she is, I have the right to know who she is then. Well?

Damion : All you need to know is that I'm going to be a father.

Shelly : 15 years we've been together from I was 13 and your 15 and all those years I never once slept with another man. 15 years and I'm now 28years old, without a child because you said ,you don't want children. Four pregnancy and three times you made me abort them and you made me have a miscarriage by stressing me out and tormenting me about wanting to keep the baby, you know I can't handle stress and you provoke me till finally my blood pressure was too high and I lost the baby. Day after day, months after month I cried had to get counselling and depression pills and now your telling me you want a child by someone else , a woman that you just start fucking and I'm your wife for 15 years you never allowed me to carry one of them.

Damion: Shelly I'm sorry I honestly don't know what to say to you.

Shelly : What is there to say you kill four of my children, four and you expect me to accept what your telling me, your going to regret telling me this because the Shelly you knew, who would have forgiven you is dead and gone as of today. Has long as that woman, bitch, slut whoever she is still pregnant there can be nothing between us. Don't ever call me your wife because as of today your dead to me Damion Blackwood .

Damion: Shelly you know I can't live without you, you know your my rock and life, I know I hurt you, please baby stop the crying, don't get mad I'm begging you just hear me out try and understand the situation.

Shelly: Murderer , baby killer , wicked man get out, its either you leave now or I will go and won't come back get out of my sight I don't want to see your ugly face or hear your crooked voice. I hate you, hate everything about you and what you stand for and you will regret ever getting another woman pregnant.
© Keryiann Mcneil