

The parcel that had arrived today, contained an old key and a list of instructions to use it. But I couldn't fathom the language on it. Hours had passed not one word deciphered. But the words did look familiar, as much as a dream from when I was a child.
I decided it wise to phone my intimate circle but alas, no one had the answer.

My frustration was building up, my need to know was becoming maddening. A moment of sheer anger lead to my kicking the parcel and its letter off the table to the ground. A kick I was ashamed of ended up being the answer to the puzzle; as I knelt to pick it up my attention was spontaneously on the mirror.

The words were alien but their reflection was the answer.

I picked the letter and faced the mirror, thrilled to finally solve the problem.

"Find the demon. Face the demon. Fight the demon. And transcend all the forces that entrap you in a form that isn't yours. "

I was thoroughly confused and irritated. Hour had passed and I had nothing to show for it. A riddle within a riddle was the despicable parcel.

Hopeful I'd find more answers more on the key than its instructions I gave it a closer look. Such a fragile key with a queer base. The top was woody and hard unlike the reminder of the key that was transparent and somewhat malleable. Such a key, I have never seen before.

Something about the base was awfully familiar. With an irregular wide nature, it looked more like an outline of a place and less of a base. A tiny red gem glistened from the center of the base. The realization dawned on me heavily; it was a map and not a key.

The atlas I hurried to, excitement oozing from my pores. The outline was a replica of that of my hometown. And the red spot was my old neighborhood.

It was ethereal solving the puzzle by myself. But I felt drained of my energy when I read the letter again.

What demon have I found? How is a girl like me to face and fight anything?
What have I gotten myself into?