

The profound realizations I've attained through experience, insight, and the awakening to the truth of reality; have left me utterly speechless and at a complete loss for words, thoughts, or any sense of direction in which to head.......
God hath blessed me with the most precious of gifts and has opened mine eyes and given me the sight to perceive truth.... How life can be so beautiful, yet so atrocious had always left me baffled.....But after experiencing not only God's power, but his grace, sense of hope given me, and his mercy & love he has for all of his children; I'm beginning to wonder how I could even begin to Thank God for everything he does!!!
I seem still to trouble over the lost and condemned souls though....What is one to do when someone you love so dearly or are so close to has been lost, condemned, or worst yet! sold their soul!!! The agony of such sorrow and pure loss as to what to do for those souls, for one's own soul, and the pain in one's heart is unbearable beyond words.......
I feel I keep receiving messages that convey to me to let them go and gravitate more towards Light and Children of God and God's Truth.....I am slowly and stubbornly learning this life lesson but the loss of such souls rips open my already shattered heart and seeps in like an ugly wound.........
So many souls that hath been lost to God and his light.....The weight of Sacred Sorrow is one that falls heavy, confusing, yet so lifesaving..... But if I must suffer in this life and this dark world for God and Light, then suffer in this life I shall! it's the least I can do for God after all God hath done for me!!!!