

Dreams are the unique things yet in science research. Well , but IAM not saying about night sleeping dreams. IAM talking about day dreaming. Dreams that won't let the man sleep. They used to day dreaming because of escape from the reality. They dreamt about mysterious things which is really unconscious and unbelievable. They wanna fly in the sky with out wings. Like superman!! They wanna go to Neptune and other planet. And they wanna be the most popular person in the world. But IAM not saying that these types of dreams are wrong , Actually these types of dreams makes sense. Because I think they have got a third eye to see those dreams and images. They have also creativities and talent to make the world beautiful.I have also a friend who used to getting lost such a moment. One-day he told me about daydreaming. Then I study about daydreaming.Its really a unique power to make yourself meditate . Though they think about impossible things in reality but one day those impossible things will be so possible. Because They don't think about past they think about future most . That's why their sixth sense can sense the images what will going to happen after few years or may be less or more. It's depending on that how deep you can go by daydreaming. If you give the worlds leadership to those daydreamers then they will furnish the world as you never ever seen before. Everything and everywhere we can see unique and creativities and a deep thought about every work and every word. Daydreamers actually addicted to do something unique which can't be compare with anyone else . They solve every problems solution by daydreaming . May be one-day dreamers will be the king of the kingdom of earth. And those days are not too far away. because where as we see we can see creativities and unique inventions. Yet daydreamers are the secret people after common people . One-day they will really show up them selves and their creativities.