

Part 13
Chapter 36
[Same Location]

Things were as calm as can be for a group about to be put into hell. Candice, Merylin and the General Kamine were in the captain's quarters discussing a way forward. Shiro and Kazuto were outside, reminiscing about old times like old man, the only difference is that their both 17. Mei was sleeping her night away, as a girl that has been under constant danger throughout her life because of her families history and power over Japan, she has learnt not to panic nor worry herself about such situations.

Eichiro Misaki, her grandfather, was always a man who was threatened on many occasions but never lost. When Mei was 4 years old, she was constantly kidnapped. Either on her way to school or home. Eichiro was always able to get the better of his enemies, it's a demon's way after all. He personally trained her to be a killing machine. With being a full blood Misaki, she had the potential to surpass him but she turned out different. After her first kill, Mei lost all of her humanity and killed without thinking, lost all reasoning and had to be put down. After Eichiro shot her in the head, she regenerated but lost all her memories of ever going on a rampage. Whenever she sees blood, it triggers a part of that memory, making her lose herself and vomit. It can make her react, either in a good way or bad. She never fights because of the fear of hurting those around her, she can't put a finger on it but she has this sickening feeling whenever she gets angry. She feels like something wrong would happen, thus fighting is one thing she doesn't want to do.

'I don't get it,' Merylin said looking at the General, 'Japan is far from France. How are we only taking two to three hours to get there.'
Her question made General Kamine smile.
'The Stingmaster can move twice as fast as a bullet train. It can move on the waters surface like a blade cutting through water, smooth and silent. It's aerodynamic shape allows for it to move fast, gliding through strong winds and and has less wind resistance. Mainly designed to get to a country fast without detection, it's the perfect transport for black op operations.'
While the General was having fun explaining the perks of the Stingmaster to Merylin, her highness was staring out the window, lost in thought.
Kazuto entered the quarters and went straight toward her and touched her shoulder, snapping her out of her daze.
'I know it's not my place Lady Kamui, but.....what did you do to Shiro?'
Candice didn't take time to process the question and slowly turned to look Kazuto in the eye. Her eyes changed from pitch black to crimson blood red.
'You and your sister are starting to get on my nerves.' Her tone was low and somewhat ominous. She left Kazuto standing there, paralyzed in fear and went outside to Shiro. Those eyes are the symbol of the Misaki family, their way of showing a change in their mental and emotional well being. Once red, the eyes cannot revert to the original colour unless the Misaki can find a way of releasing their lust for blood. How Candice has those eyes is a mystery to everyone. She has a secret, no in fact, secrets that she keeps from everyone, and if known then the AOA, Shiro, Kuro and herself will exist no more.