

We Failed At Love
I am a lover without a lover, wandering through the vast wilderness of emotions. I am lovely and lonely, adorned with the petals of desire that bloom within my soul. I belong deeply to myself, embracing my own flaws and imperfections that make me human. But within the caverns of my heart, there lies a tale of love that once consumed me, that once bound me to another soul, and I find myself reflecting upon the remnants of a love that failed.

We met under the starry veil of a summer's night, when the air was heavy with the sweet scent of possibility. Our eyes collided, and within that moment, a spark ignited, illuminating the path before us. We ventured into the depths of love with unguarded hearts, and the world transformed into a symphony of tenderness and passion.

But as the seasons changed, so did we. We were blinded by our own desires, by our insatiable hunger for more, for a love that could fill the voids within us. We became architects of our own downfall, constructing walls of resentment, misunderstanding, and unspoken words. The once tranquil river of love transformed into a raging torment, tearing apart the foundations of what we had built.

We failed at love, not because our hearts weren't capable, but because we failed to nurture the delicate flame that danced between us. We forgot that love requires effort, compromise, and vulnerability. We forgot that love is not a stagnant pond, but a wild ocean that demands exploration and adaptability. And amidst our forgetfulness, we lost sight of the value our love held.

But even in failure, there exists a profound beauty. For our love, though fractured, left behind fragments that still shimmered with a soft radiance. In the quiet of night, when the world sleeps, I hold onto those fragments, cherishing the memories of laughter, shared dreams, and the warmth of your touch upon my skin.

And so I continue to wander, a lover without a lover, acknowledging the lessons that failure etched upon my heart. I am both a cautionary tale and a testament to resilience, for I understand that love cannot be defined solely by its successes, but also by its failures. It is in these moments of rupture that we find strength, wisdom, and a deeper understanding of ourselves.

I am lovely and lonely, but this loneliness does not define me. It is but a temporary state, a necessary part of my journey towards self-discovery. And in this solitude, I weave a tapestry of self-love, adorning it with the lessons learned, the scars acquired, and the dreams that still flutter within me.

Love is not solely found within the arms of another, but within the expanses of our own souls. It is a flame that flickers with warmth, even in the absence of a lover. So, I embrace this empty space, this blank canvas upon which I can paint my own desires, my own passions, and my own dreams.

And one day, as I continue to navigate the labyrinthine corridors of life, I may stumble upon another soul whose flame dances in harmony with mine. Together, we may rewrite the tale that once failed, crafting a love that withstands the tests of time and circumstance.

But until then, I am a lover without a lover, wandering through the vast wilderness of emotions. I am lovely and lonely, belonging deeply to myself; an ever-evolving testament to the resilience of the human heart.
© Jevanjee