

It popped him out into a white room. Beds were arranged round the room with patients and ventilators beside them, a boy was walking round checking the patients, he shaked his head then switched off the ventilator of one of them.
"how many heads are rolling Parker" Minos asked walking towards a patient, he placed his hand on the patients forehead and quickly retraced his fingers from the patients cold welcome.

"Eight" Parker replied passing a hand through his black hair, Minos sighed sadly. "This one makes them nine" Parkar added as he draped a white sheet over a body, he roughly carried the body and dumped it into a burning furnace at the left end of the room moving back as the fire consumed the body.

Minos sighed then walked over to another patient. "Any progress on the rest four?" he asked inspecting the patient's still active ventilator.

"scarcely any" Parker answered carrying another patient " just light breathing, weak heartbeats, temperature is going down the hill and their refusing liquified food" he dumped the body into the furnace and went to carry another "so yah, more than likely there are all gonna die"

"don't be so pessimistic Parkar, miracles happen ". He dumped another body into the furnace then gave him a weary look, he squeezed his face and sneezed scratching an injury above his hazel eyes, Minos smiled at how the blue freck of his eyes gave him a dominating but cute look.

"So how did it go?" parkar ventured,

"how did what go?" he asked with his arms folded in his back.

"you know, brain storming for my fellow participants in this death ride" . Minos walked to another patient "I wasn't brainstorming I was watching and you know I can't tell you that " he draped a white sheet over the patient, not even bothering to check if he was alive then looked at parkar who gave him an annoyed look.

"Seriously!, what was the point of you going then". Minos smiled understanding his plight.

Parkar sighed, shoulder slumped "well at least tell me the chance of my survival"



"just kidding. No comment on that either ". Minos said grinning, Parkar exhaled loudly, he looked up shaking his head "oh lord, what did I do to deserve such a weary life" he wailed, Minos laughed walking to another patient, your life aren't even the least weary he thought.

"tell me Parkar, what about Beethvonin really amuses you?" he asked wanting to change the topic.

"the number of rooms in this second floor" he blurted looking at the still beeping ventilator of a patient "it's like a large rent house where only two rooms are been used. Unbelievable. Plus...."

"Minos!" a deep voice called, startled he turned to see a man dressed in grey suit. "scoth" he mumbled and gulped in his heart skipping a beat. Scoth raised his hand to look at his silver watch gleeming expensive then walked away. "I'll be back Parkar"he took in a deep breath, mentally counted one to three and followed him.

They stood in front of a room two doors away from where they came from."do you have it with you scoth?" he asked, rubbing his hands together with a cautious smile. Scoth gave him a stern look, not answering the question. "well spill the milk, do you have it or not" he asked again trying to keep a cool face.

Scoth sighed "don't forget our bargain Minos" he said calmly with a bored look. "no info no ring". Minos groaned inwardly, scoth placed his hand into his pocket while the other played with a lock of brown hair admist the others covering his forehead.

"ah...!, information yes...." he started then gave a little laugh,scoth arced an eyebrow. "well let me cut it sh...."

"don't be foolish, you know you can't tell me that weasel all I need are their identity".

damn you just give it to me! he thought grimly."we have one"

"I know"

"we need three more and the mad man of Greece"

scoth rolled his brown eyes "mad man of Greece, I have him under Lucy's care". Minos grinned fiddling with the zip of his coat. Lucy, what a dime, if only I could get closer to her. He pleasantly mused.

scoth squeezed, he wasn't pleased at his liking for his younger sister. He shrugged letting it slide. "give me their names"

" one is a woman twenty three of age lives in Earth 101, name is Jessica Montez, the other a boy seventeen of age lives in Earth 15, name is Luke laRue and the last a...."

A scream erupted from a distance disrupting their discussion. Scoth alertness kicked in, he whirled sharply to the room leaving Minos to lag behind then smiled relaxing, "that makes two".

"I'll kill you!"

A girl was strangling a boy on the ground with a white sheet , he struggled trying to yank it off his head.

"I'll kill you, if you don't take me back to home, my mother is still there!" she yelled, dragging his head from side to side "I don't want your.... safe heaven".

She pushed him away then angrily flicked back some strands of hair from her face to join the curly mess of black hair packed in a loose ponytail, Scoth smirked, what a girl he thought I can see we will get along quite well.

Minos walked into the scene, he yanked her hand forcefully towards him.

" you silly woman don't you have...." a loud smack landed on his face, cutting him short, scoth grimaced in pity of the poor man "that must have really hurt" he whispered as Minos staggered backwards groaning.

The boy finally succeeded in freeing the sheet from his face, he scrambled away from her then stood up gasping like someone who tasted the sourness of death .

"Is this heaven or hell, let me know my fate"

"none of them!" the boy said, the girl turned her glare to him. He flinched moving backwards.

"calm down okay"

"then what is this place" she demanded waving her hand to the patients on the beds " a cemetery?"

"Cemetery!" the boy shrieked gaping at her ,

"Is it not?" the girl snapped, "all cemeteries are white and they bury peoples in black caskets, don't you know that?".

He blinked then sighed understanding etched on his face. "well I guess I don't"

she snorted. "then you must be the most stupid person I have ever met, did you lose your brain in your sleep?". Scoth laughed loudly as the boy opened his mouth to object but trailed off to stare at him, this girl is something else he thought amusingly.

Startled, the girl looked at him, her stormy eyes studying him and making it obvious that she hadn't noticed him before. "who are you" she asked.

"no one you care to know of" he answered smirking, " you're quite amusing to watch, I like you but you should you quit blowing a fuse before you smash my poor man here" he nodded towards Minos who gave him a sympathetic look.

The girl visibly relaxed. "you sound responsible so I'll address you then" she faced him "my name is Zara Bellerose...."

"am aware"

"....I grew up in Trojazs, 23 street Barkars of Somi town, I do not know why I am here talk less of where I am and I am looking for my parents do you mind broadening my scope please" Scoth grinned "intelligent" he muttered .

"This is Beethvonin, you are here because you're chosen" the girl frowned. "yah I know it's cheesy but the truth Minos will tell you more, your parents are probably dead..."


"you heard me and don't try running away, it's pointless trust me". The girl blinked at him

"but.... but I need to find my parents the...they are all I have" she stuttered.

"you have us" the boy shimmed in, Scoth grinned this boy is indeed stupid he thought as the girl slowly turned to glare at him "don't give me a more reason to smack you boy" he grinned

"course not!, why would I, when you are already a walking reason, the name's Parkar though"

"I never asked"

"well I never said you asked Queen bee"

"you little....". Scoth sighed"their talking too much" he muttered then started walking away, past the collective number of rooms and towards the door at the far end of the room. He rubbed his forehead soothingly to release some tension that formed there, admiring the brown dullness of the wall designed with ancient markings of Demoira, on seeing it anyone would decide they were the handiwork of a restless kid not unless they understood Demoiran language.

He heard the unsteady trumping of feets behind him, increasing with every step then groaned mentally you couldn't just let it go.... he thought annoyingly

"wait!" he heard almost in a whisper as the sound came to a halt, he stopped abruptly. You couldn't just let it go....Minos, he thought forcing a smile on his trembling lips, he hated his lips for that it always told everyone the truth of his lie whenever he said he wasn't bothered about something.

"the ring!" Minos whispered. Scoth sighed bothering his lower lip to calm down. Minos had always been the most greedy, careless and incompetent man he had ever met. It scared him that of all the men in Demoira who survived it had to be him, why was he the only one capable of wearing the rings, why he was chosen, a dirty barrow like him...chosen! he gritted his teeth and clenched his fists trembling then took a deep breath.

"ah yes!, I believe we made a deal Minos"he turned to look at him, Minos nodded cleaning his forehead and looking away.

Scoth dipped his hand into infinity, half of his hand seemed to disappear into thin air as it was meant to, he retraced his hand bringing out a golden ring, it had a scorpion eating it's tail etched it, it was the same thing he had taken all the stress to get from the old lady.

"This is the scthyain ring" he flicked it towards him "keep it well Minos". Minos cut it in one swift movement, his mouth opened slightly as he took it closer to his face, his wide eyes reflecting its glow, Scotch snorted irritated at how he seemed to want to swallow it.

He summoned a dark hole behind him still looking at the black man who's attention was absorbed by the ring, then sighed, no matter how much he despised him, he still had no choice than to surrender at the end. Immediately, he turned and walked into the dark hole not saying another word to him.