

JACK The Ripper (Story)
It is late at night and a woman walks down a dark street alone. Out of the fog, a shrouded figure approaches her. She hears gentle footsteps and turns to face him. The attacker’s hands close around her neck, choking her until she is unconscious. He then crouches over her, pulling out a twelve-inch blade as he does so. Minutes later she is discovered dead by the police.

This is the work of Jack the Ripper.

The murders of Jack the Ripper are known throughout the world as being one of the most famous unsolved serial killings in history. At least five women met their end at the hands of this unknown man, and some believe the number may be as high as 11.

Mary Ann Nichols was a prostitute who worked in the Whitechapel area of London in 1888. At 3.40am on 31st August she was found dead on the corner of Bucks Row with deep slashes on her throat and her abdomen brutally cut open. This is the first of five murders that happened over three months from August to November 1888. The murders were of Mary Ann Nichols, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Stride, Catherine Eddowes and Mary Jane Kelly. All of the victims were prostitutes in the Whitechapel area and almost all displayed the same method of killing.

One of the strangest things about the killings was that each body was missing vital organs when the police found the victim. These five murders are commonly known as the ‘Canonical Five’.

Since the murders in 1888 no one has been successful in identifying the culprit, although many people have been named as suspects. The problem the police faced was that there was very little in the way of crime-scene investigation back then. Unless the attacker left a personal item at the scene which could be tracked back to them, or if someone was able to give a detailed description of them, the police had very little chance of finding the right person.

The Ripper seemed to know this too. He planned his attacks to take place at night and far away from any prying eyes. This is probably one of the reasons why he chose to attack prostitutes. Back in the late Victorian era, prostitution was illegal and people selling themselves had to conduct themselves discreetly. Any customer would be lead to a quiet area of the town where the woman knew they would not be interrupted by the police. But these quiet places were also a perfect setting for the murders.

© Manishi Anand