I've got one hand in my pocket the other has this port pressed between my teeth, I draw that nicotine in my lungs releasing bc somethings aren't meant to keep.
the worlds so big and there's more to it than I care to know, is it wrong for me to state that I do not wish to know everything there is to know.
the more curious I get the harder answers are too find, sometimes I feel like I'm searching the landscape for something that's lost deep insid the depths of my mind. if I take another dirt road, hit them alleys in the back if my head, do you think I'll make it out okay or do you think I'll go crazyyyyy instead..
indeed I must admit in not as sane as you think, these vices I can't control taking away from my slumped sleep. .
I dreamt of a high unknown and not man made, no matter the substance ingested this is something only your soul will be able to relate. . NOTHING hurt from this life or the last, the memories I can't remember to forget finally get left in the past. . yesterday's sorrow didn't become today's excuse and blame, I was no longer a prisoner of my own life and reality.
the clouds couldn't be as high as I drifted and float on up,
the worlds so big and there's more to it than I care to know, is it wrong for me to state that I do not wish to know everything there is to know.
the more curious I get the harder answers are too find, sometimes I feel like I'm searching the landscape for something that's lost deep insid the depths of my mind. if I take another dirt road, hit them alleys in the back if my head, do you think I'll make it out okay or do you think I'll go crazyyyyy instead..
indeed I must admit in not as sane as you think, these vices I can't control taking away from my slumped sleep. .
I dreamt of a high unknown and not man made, no matter the substance ingested this is something only your soul will be able to relate. . NOTHING hurt from this life or the last, the memories I can't remember to forget finally get left in the past. . yesterday's sorrow didn't become today's excuse and blame, I was no longer a prisoner of my own life and reality.
the clouds couldn't be as high as I drifted and float on up,