

Death knows no race.
Death knows no race, share love; For like a sheep, every living soul is laid in the grave; and death feeds on them; the maggots have dominion over them in the morning till the flesh is wholly decomposed; and their beauty is consumed in the grave, far from their dwelling. It takes approximately 4 minutes from the moment a person has breathed their last for the shortage of oxygen in their body to kick off a series of events happening at the microscopic level. The levels of carbon dioxide and acidity rise in the blood stream, and toxic wastes buildup, poisoning these cells. The enzymes within the cells then, begin to eat away at them and the organs with high concentrations of enzymes and water such as the brain and the liver, are ground zero for this process. The most known visible signs of death is within 10 minutes of death when the eyes cloud over due to limited oxygen and fluids flowing to the corneas.

Calliphoride commonly known as Blowflies arrives within minutes of death or exposure and deposits its eggs 1-3 hours after death and another fly, Conicera tibialis also known as the Coffin fly follows the body upto a depth of 2 metres or approximately 6.33 feet just to lay its eggs on the buried bodies. The body goes through autolysis or self digestion. As soon as blood circulation and respiration stops, the body has no way of getting oxygen or removing wastes. Excess carbon dioxide, then causes an acidic environment, causing membranes in cells to rupture releasing enzymes that begins eating the cells from the inside out. The Rigor mortis also causes the muscles to stiffen resulting to creation of blisters filled with nutrients rich fluid on the internal organs and the skin surface thus the body looks like, it has a sheen due to the ruptured blisters. Leaked enzymes from autolysis begin to produce many gases. The sulfur containing compounds that the bacteria release, causes skin discoloration and these excess gases, makes the body to double in size, and then explode. The active microorganisms and bacteria produces extremely unpleasant odor called putrefaction. The fluids released through orifices indicates the beginning of active decay as organs, muscles and skin become liquefied and then the hair, bones, cartilage and other soft tissues decompose. Skeletonization depend on the loss of organic(collagen) and inorganic components whose decomposition time frame is not known.

If this is the fate of man, why is there too much starvation of the majority and yet the few filthy rich are not eternal?

Why are there war entrepreneurs in most parts of the world if they too aren't invincible?

Why is there land grabbing, if at all, in grave no one goes with anything?

Why do people name their land after themselves if truly they can't take the land the other side?

Why do different people with different colors, kill each other?

This, their fate should have informed them that no one is superior for we all bow to death and prostrate in the grave.

© Geoffrey K