

This story is completely fictional and supernatural,if you are a fan of Marvel or DC or any Anime content then I hope you will love this story,and if you find any kind of mistake then comment me so that I can rectify it and my dear readers I hope you like it!!



Narrator : Tak...Tak...Tak...an old man with the inverse J shaped cosy-tossy walking in a subway, heading towards a gate guarded by two armed "Panthers".
guard 1 : Sir the gate time is over!!
old man : Am a VIP,I don't have time limits.
guard 2: Sir do you have any "Panther" cards??
old man: what for??
guard 2 : only the VIP's are given Panther cards.
old man: Ohh! but am a special VIP,so I don't need any cards son!
guard 2: Sir....
old man: why don't you ask your boss???
guard 1: control room! we have a visitor who is demanding to be a guest of boss!!
control room: copy...(showing the cctv display to the Boss) Sir do you know this guy??
Boss :damn those guards!! say those guards to apologise and let that old man entre without any questions!(the Boss dashed)
guard 1: sorry sir,(opening the gate) you may enter.
(while on the other side the Boss is waiting)
Boss : I apologise Mr.Yamagishi,those guards doesn't know about you!
guards : Whattttttt!!!!Yamgishiiiiiii ????

(now the Boss of Panthers lead Yamagishi to the main arena where the event will be held)

Narrator : there are eleven gangs which control the entire underworld,and their bosses are extremely strong because of some "rhythm" techniques, which is very tough to learn and very less people know about these techniques.These techniques give superhuman strength, speed, durability and many others.As we know "greater power achieved with greater determination" but some people are born with passive talent but their extreme circumstances doesn't let them recognise their talent and the same fate happened with our protagonist "ELIAS"...
Narrator: (with a buzz) ha..ha..ha...Elias lives with with her elder sister "Claire"...ha...ha..ha..she is extremely hot and cute even I have crush over her....she works in a shopping mart for living and also take care of his brothers school and other stuffs.....haa...haa...haa..I am in a hurry I need to progress the story...I can't wait...I can't wait...haaa...haaa...haaa!!!!!!!

Yamagishi : (while having a tea) why did you called me "Sorren"(the boss of Panthers)
Sorren : (with deep voice) my father just got an heart attack and his situations are critical and casualties may happen any time,as his son I have to fulfill my father's wish and also lead his empire!!
Yamagishi : you aren't answering my question kid????
Sorren : Ahhhh...I think you are well aware about the dispute happened a year ago....
Yamagishi : dispute???
Sorren : do you happen to be memory loss or something??
Yamagishi : watch your mouth kid!!!
Sorren : okay..okay.. okay...how can I forget you are just an old man...let me revise you the incidence!!
Yamagishi : I will know if you are lying kid!!!
Sorren : how can you know if you don't have any memory???

Narrator : let that kid and old man quarrel...I will explain my lovely readers the whole story...haa..haa..haaa...!!!
Narrator :(with dramatic background music) six months ago "Gord" appointed as the chief of SEF,...the thing is SEF don't have the permission to act as it's own because all the members of this force are "rhythm users" and this force will only act on such cases which are tough to handle by military and police but Gord is Gord,he planned to wipe out the entire underworld. He made a team of fifteen and begin to hunt.
Suddenly the hunt rate doubled,but it wasn't Gord...it was a random person no one knows about anything about him and the terrifying fact is that person is acting all alone. Gord noticed all the facts but he said if that person is helping in our mission then no need to focus on him let him relief our load!!

Narrator : the increasing number of casualties and the unstoppable hunt from both sides make the Bosses fear...so there happened a secret meeting among the Bosses,but unfortunately the information was leaked.
and you know guys....I am the one who leaked their information...haaa....haaa...haaaa..haa!!!
Oh my god...Oh my god....I have just ruined my story......shit!shit! shit!!.... don't worry my fellow readers I will found someone and make him the traitor!!!...haaa ..haaa...haaa...haa.....
I am God...I am God of this story!!...haa...haaa....haaa..!!!
I am taking a nap wake me up after 5min!!!!

Elias : (at the event)Sir how much cost the popcorn??
random guy : (shouted) oyee kiddddd...do it fasttttt,a lot of people are waiting!!
Elias : (having a packet of popcorn,chips, hamburger and soft drinks) entered into the hall where the tournament is going to happen!!!
The grand ceremony begins, Sorren walked in with Yamagishi!!!!
(the girls in hall) cheering for Sorren!!
and then one by one the fighters entered into the hall...!!
Elias get excited by seeing his favourite senior "Brady" in the tournament!!
Host : ladies and gentlemen! I am your host Arthur!!!!! are you guys readyyyy???
crowd : yeeeeessssssssssss!!!!!!!!
Arthur : let's begin the tournament....yoo hoooooooo!!!!
(electric music begins)
Arthur : tonightttt!!! twelve fighters are gonna fight for life,and the winner will be given a billion dollar check... it's now or never!!!....
"agenda of the match just displayed on"
fighter1 vs fighter 3
fighter2 vs fighter4
fighter5 vs Azak
Brady vs fighter8
fighter9 vs fighter11
fighter10 vs fighter12
Arthur : here comes the man who believe "killing people is no crime but it's the easiest way to make them visit God",undefeated, 15 win with zero loss,
the killing machine "Azak"
(the match over in just one punch)Azak won!!
the entire crowd is got silenced.
even Yamagishi and Sorren get shocked with this talent!!

Yamagishi : this man seems to be a tough one!
Sorren : (to one of the man) find everything about this man!!
Arthur : here comes the youngest fighter of tonight "Bradyyyyyy" a school boy with 13 win with 2 loss and his opponent is fighter8...
Elias :Bradyyyyyyy...Brady.....Bradyyyyy......Brady
commentry : ohh it's a right jab,damm he blocked,oh god a front kick...here comes an elbow,...wow..wow..the battle is tough to decide....
Ooooo yeahhhh it's an upper cut and it's a knockout...10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1.... and the match won by the school boy Bradyyyyyyy!!!!
member : Boss!! Boss!!(with breathless dash) Azak!...Azak!!...is a member of Vipers
Sorren : whattttt??...that means...
(A sudden explosion) boooommmmmm!!!!!
(at the same moment the narrators's cat just dropped a glass and the narrator wake up)

Narrator : damn kitty!!!....ohh God I slept for a long time!!....I think the readers just get hypnotized in the story and forget to awake me!! haaaa....haaaa..haaaaa...I'm loving it.....Hhaaaa...haaaa.haaaa.!!!
Narrator : so during the secret meeting all the eleven gang leader's are present!!.. among all the gangs the "Vipers" are the strongest but with lesser men...but the Panthers are the man of trust so other gang leaders always respect the decision of the "Panthers".The leader of Viper always wanted to be the only ruler of the underworld, all he lack is support because underworld isn't only get ruled by power it's needed trust and man power!!
As the information about the secret meeting was leaked, Gord and his troops with no time reached there and begin the hunt,he also brought some additional forces with him to secure the premises so that no one can escape!!
meanwhile someone also informed that strange lonely guy about the secret meeting so that guy was also hunting from the other side!!!
Narrator : at the very moment the leader of Vipers proposed that he and his members will assure the safety of other gang leaders but in return he will the ruler of entire underworld!
The leader of Rhino doesn't agreed so Zepre(the leader of Vipers) killed him in the very moment....and said have forgotten I am the strongest???
Zepre asked everyone to give information about their bank codes, their hideouts and their men!!! All agreed and almost everyone have given their datas,the last one is Aro(the leader of Panthers) the moment he was about give his all of wealth..the door opened where all the gang leaders were present,it was that lonely hunter, entered into the gate,his emense aura creating a high pressure in the atmosphere, everyone just get acknowledged about his strength!!
A few doors back Gord also feel the pressure, and he recognised that,that must be the lonely hunter and he is a "omega" level threat!!!!
Zepre called that man "your majesty" I have done everything as you have asked!!!
The gang leaders get shocked!! whatttttt
damn you Zepre!!!
The day before the meeting, Zepre had made a deal with that hunter, the deal was "Throne instead of life"....Zepre wasn't a guy who work under someone,the real thing is Zepre wanted to kill that hunter and be the hero of underworld but when he attempted he felt difference in the strength so he decided to withdraw is dream, if he didn't then that hunter must have wiped out him as well as his gang in the moment!!
Zepre's choice for life,make the other gang leaders felt betrayed,so the leader of Peacock and Leo just dashed him but that hunter's " Devil hand" just swallowed them in the moment!!!
Breaking the wall Gord and his troops entered!!....Gord get the vibe and for the first time in the entire mission he got serious!!!!
As all the gang members already have given their datas except Aro, so finding the situation a little distracted Aro make himself and left gang members alive!!
Now in that situation there are only 8 members of Vipers including Zepre and that hunter guy!!!!
As I have mentioned Zepre is not a person who just back out... after feeling the difference,the also leaked the information about the secret meeting and as he also felt a little difference between the strength of Gord and the Hunter so he also leaked the information to Gord as well, he just planned to fought those beast with eachother and whoever losses the winner must have drained all his stamina so it will be easy for Zepre to hunt the winner... ultimately it's just a win win condition for Zepre!!
Gord is man of strength but he is always prepared for plan B!!!
Before the rush begins the atmosphere is as calm as the sea, suddenly with just blink of an eye, Bajo(the lonely hunter) dashed towards Gord.....Gord with a devil smile.... Gotchaaa!!
The roof just fall out... it's Yamagishi just jumped into the room!!!...Gord leave Bajo to Yamagishi and stepped towards Zepre....yo Zepre I don't think the things have gone as you have decided right! Curse you Gord!!
As Zepre have the men's of other gangs he ordered to charge!! The emense battle begin.Gord was handling 3 of the Vipers alone including Zepre himself .
The destruction was emense, the situation is so critical that one wrong move can cause casualties, Gord was trying to keep things away from Yamagishi so that Yamagishi can use his special move to capture Bajo! After so much of blood and destruction Gord was capable to provide Yamagishi enough space... Suddenly a Green light appears in distance air and Yamagishi Shouted "Green Sulphur".....an explosion occurs,there was only dust....Gord find that Zepre and his members just ran away. At the centre of destruction was lying Bajo, and due old age Yamagishi was breathing heavily!
5 months later, when Sorren wake up he found his father Aro and Gord was having a discussion, Gord proposed that he will let him live but in return he must have to help him find Zepre and his gang, and bring more tough fighter so that they can get enough training from Yamagishi at
"BLUE TREE ACADEMY" and be helpful in upcoming wars! Gord also said that he will be away for few days if anything happens then he can take help from Yamagishi!!
Narrator : haa haa haaa.... it's awesome... it's awesome.... I'm the best... I'm the best....haaa..haaa..haa..!
Sorren : Mr.Yamagishi I hope you just remember!
Yamagishi : aahhhaaaa....I got it kid!! be free I got everything covered!
(now everything happened in the tournament is already mentioned)
As the explosion happened in the tournament the people begin to rush,even our protagonist is also in a rush!! ...the explosion was done by the Vipers, their motives is still same as before to rule over underworld so they are after Sorren to take his wealth and men!

Azak : (shouted from the smoke) Sorren!! give up everything you have or else I will crush your sister!!
Elias : (hearing the voice, looked back,and Azak with Sorren's sister,and a few metres behind was Brady, who just picked up a iron bar,but all of sudden he got a huntch that Brady was going to die)
Sorren : (shouted) damn you!!... leave her!!!
Yamagishi : (asked Sorren) what do you want, father's wish or sister??
Sorren : (with a low voice) my sister!!
Yamagishi : you are nice Kid, you needed to be my student!!
(before Yamagishi charges up Brady just threw a powerful strike to Azak with a Iron bar...but it didn't even scratched him)
Elias : (dashed to save Brady)
(before Yamagishi acts,an enemy men just brust bullet towards him,he have only option to dogde)
Azak : (to Brady) you are 100 years earlier to land a punch on me!!(with a blink, snapped a loaded punch on Brady)
Elias : (with a shocking expression just stopped there for a few seconds)

Narrator : Elias heartbeats grew stronger, stronger, strong enough that someone a two metres away can hear his beats...a tremendous amount of aura just changed the atmosphere,even Yamagishi stopped his movement for few milliseconds....and suddenly Elias dashed with an emense speed... before Azak reacts...(Sorren's sister was saved)

Elias : (with an echoing voice) dissaper!!

Narrator : a severe punch just brust over the face of Azak!! Viewing the situation critical,he made a move and shouted with a godly voice "dark moon" and everything got over within a minute!!but the casualties are high, watching innocent people die he get upset,then his phone rings, it's the doctor and the news was bad!..Aro was no more!!... ultimately the entire circumstances made Sorren to end the Panthers!!
mean while on the other side ambulance are taking the injured audience and other players...Elias is with Brady,while Brady is taking his last breathe!!!

Elias : hang in there!!..hang in there!!!you will be alright!!
Brady : (with a smile face) I know my body well ...am at my limits!!
Elias : don't say stuff like that!!
Brady : don't worry I will always be with you!! but promise me one thing!!
Elias : ......
Brady : you are gifted with some special abilities, don't let them fade away!! promise me, when you grew up don't die a lame death like me...be strong and protect the weaks and remember you are aaa..aaa...a...chhooo....choooseeeennnnone....(pip...pip...peeeeeee)
Elias : no..no...no....nooooooooo!!

Narrator : Elias can't accept this fate so he just get upset, because the days when he was in trouble Brady is the one who come to front and helped his sister and him to survive in world, after his father disappeared 5 years ago...
Narrator : haaa...haa..haa....the rest story about Elias will be on second chapter....haa...haa...haaa....... you have to wait my fellow readers..haa...haa...haaa

Claire :(after the funeral) open the door!!... it's been a month you have just locked up yourself....go out !!...do you want Brady's to waste in vain!!???
Elias : (opened the door,with eyes swollen due excess of crying) I... won't let Brady's bravery die in vain!!
Claire : (with a tearful smile, hug him) you never will!!!
Claire : there is a old man down want to meet you!!!
Elias : old man!!...who??
Claire : I don't know,he said he saw you in that tournament!!
(both brother and sister went downstairs,and their was sitting a old man he is non other than Yamagishi!!)
Yamagishi : hello kid!! nice to see you again!!
Claire : let me make some tea!
Elias : what do you want?
How did you find me?
Yamagishi : all your questions will be answered if you will agree to go with me!!
Elias : go with you?? what do you mean by that??
Yamagishi : go means... you have to come with me!!
Elias : where?
Yamagishi : to train!
Elias : train for what?
Yamagishi : to settle the mess you created??
Elias : what mess??
Yamagishi : you just hit a man remembered?
Elias : yeah, is he dead?
Yamagishi : dead!.. even if you try in your 50th birth, you will still end up in the corpse!! That man is a strong"rhythm" user and according to "SEF" that man is "2nd grade gamma level" threat and that man is a member of Vipers,and that man will return for you,so you need to come with me!!
Elias : what is "rhythm" technique??
and where did I go with you?
Yamagishi : to train! at "BLUE TREE ACADEMY", where you will learn the "rhythm" techniques!!
Elias : "Blue tree academy" never heard of this??
Yamagishi : because rhythm technique is not for everyone!!
Elias : then why me?
Yamagishi : because you are a choosen one! and don't hesitate about your sister,I will send two guards for her protection, nothing will happen to her!!
Claire : tea!!!
Yamagishi : what do you say kid?
Elias : (looked towards Claire)
Claire : (with a smiley face) it's time to make Brady's words true!!... you must go,I will be fine!!
Yamagishi : (snapped,a girl and a boy entered into the room)these twins "Laevo" and "Dextro" works for SEF rank 14 and 13, these two will be for the safety of your sister!
Elias : (senses these guys are so strong)
Yamagishi : what do you say now? kid!
Elias :(with a heroic determination) I'm coming!!
Yamagishi : pack up kid! we are leaving today!!
Elias : but i need some time!!
Yamagishi : time is the thing what we don't have right now!! so be quick!!
Elias : (after a few hours) I'm ready!!
Yamagishi : get on the car!!
Elias : Omg... it's a Rolls-Royce!!
Elias : (looked towards his sister)
Claire : go!!
Elias : so where are we going Mr.Yamagishi???
Yamagishi : " Mount Thale"
Elias : never heard about it!!!
Yamagishi : enjoy your journey kid! once the training begins things become worst!!
Elias : so how much time do I have?
Yamagishi : a six hours grant!!!
Elias : hooooo.... it's that too long!!
Narrator : Elias was so happy about the journey because he never have such a long trip....and Elias have no idea what Yamagishi means by training!! "greater power comes with great determination"... after 7hours they reach at the base of "Mount Thale"!!
Elias : wow!... it's a village at the base..(then he saw a huge gate)
(the door opened)(the car entered into the gate)
Yamagishi : we are here!!
(the car stopped)
Narrator : Elias saw a old man with suits is waiting infront of them!!
Yamagishi : get of !! we are here!!
Elias : who is that old man Mr.Yamgishi?
Yamagishi : it's sensei!!
Elias : wow....he is my teacher!!
Yamagishi : it's me who is your sensei!!and your training begins now!!
Yamgishi : it's Pablo!! he will explain you everything about the training!!meet me at the top !! you have only two months!!!
Elias : but Mr.Yama..
Yamagishi : (with a death glance)
Elias : sensei!!
Yamagishi : remember just two months! or else went back to your house!!
Pablo : welcome master!!
Yamagishi : make that kid understand everything!! I'm counting on you!!
Pablo : don't worry master!!
(the driver drove Yamagishi to the top)
Pablo : welcome Sir!!
Elias : it's Elias!!
Pablo : this way Mr.Elias!!
Elias : (saw a big mansion)wow!!!
Pablo : you will be staying here for one month... until you reach the top!! get yourself fresh!! I will serve you the dinner!!
Elias : okay!!
(first time ever in his life Elias is in a vibe of royalty)
Elias : (at the table) yumm...yumm...yummmyyyyy... it's nice Pablo!!
Pablo : before we train tomorrow,I want to say you something!!
Elias : go on!!
Pablo : don't expect the Pablo you see today will be through out your journey!! don't get hard feelings!! it's my job to train you well!!
Elias : (with a down voice) okay...so basically you are my sensei!!
Pablo : no no.. only master Yamagishi is your sensei... I'm just obeying his orders to train you!!
Elias : but that just make you my sensei!
Pablo : no no!! you don't understand!!
Elias : I got it!! I gonna sleep !! let's burn up tomorrow!!
Pablo : (at about 4 am) wake up brat! Wake up Bratttg!!( just kicked Elias)

Narrator : Elias just brust out of the mansion..

Elias : what was that for??.
Pablo : you got ten minutes!..get prepared the training begins now!!
Elias ( after 7 minutes) I'm ready!!
Pablo : 20 km dash in with 30kilo weight over your body!!!

Narrator : Elias took 4 hours to complete that and now he is breathing heavily!! Pablo then shouted 200 pushups in a row with 50kg weight over body! it take 3 hours to complete Elias! Pablo shouted again 200 crunches while having 10 kg in each hand!!it takes another 3 hours...

Elias : sensei can we have some rest!!
Pablo : you got one hour!!
Elias : one hour isn't sufficient!!
Pablo : then go back to training!!
Elias : ok ok...1 hour!!

Narrator : after a hour Pablo shouted wake up Brattt...do 200 squats having 1kg in each hand!! it takes 2 hours to complete this!!

Pablo : now comes the final round!!
Elias : what do you mean by that??

Narrator : the final round is real tough, you can say it is 50 times tough what Elias have done now!!

Pablo : (take a deep breath)you have to take that cart by pulling up to the mountain!! the path to the top is completed by 5 helix,as Thale is thinner towards the end so after covering each helix there will be 20kg added to your cart... that means while completing the last helix you are about to carry 200 kg weight with you and if you weren't able to complete the climb in one day then you must have to return to the base and again begin from the base!!
Pablo : (release his breathe) how was that... isn't it cool!!!
Elias : (remember the voice of Yamagishi...just two months)aaaaaaaaaa....how can I complete that in just two months!!

Narrator : after two hours Elias was just capable to move that cart just 700m... unfortunately the first helix is 5km long!

Pablo : times up !! each day you must have to train 15 hours...we have completed day one!! this will be your basic training for two months!! let's go to the mansion...and have your dinner!!
Elias : (felt unconscious)
Elias : (in his dreams)this isn't training,it's torture.... it's torture!!!! I quit...I quit...I quit (then a inner voice just rang in his mind" you are choosen one... choosen one... you are.... you aree.. choosen one... don't die a lame death like me... protect the weak.... promise me you will become strong)

Narrator : those mixed thoughts gives Elias a thrust to tolerate and move forward!! each day the training was same,the body drained to it's limits, after each day of training Pablo took care of Elias well!!Elias recognised Pablo is a man with heart,he is too strict at the time of training and too kind at the nights!! after two weeks Elias felt himself a 50 times stronger than before!! Pablo was also pleased to see Elias progress, which is not ordinary!!. Elias felt that his stamina has grown up so much...he didn't felt as much drained in the first day...and his body is modified into a full grown athlete!! after another week Elias found that he have completed the whole training excluding that pulling one in just 7 hours... which is 4 hours earlier than the first day!! but still he wasn't even able to complete the first helix of 5 km...he have reached a maximum of 3 km !!...so begins to put some additional weight on his basic trainings... which means he just added 20kg more in each level!!!(50kg weight with 20km dash,70kg weight with 200 push-ups,200 crunches with 30kg in each hand and 200 sit ups with 20kg in each hand) at the end of the month he was able to complete the first helix...and a 20kg weight just added to his cart!!

Elias : 4 more. helix to go!! yeeeeeeeee!!
Pablo : well done !!
Elias :(asked Pablo while having dinner) how many people have been managed to reach at the top??
Pablo : ahh !!.. each year at the months of Feb a competition occurs and many of applicants apply for this a few just get able to complete this level,many of them get mentally disturbed, injured and quit and many of them didn't completed this in given time!!
Pablo : even those twins "Dextro and"Laevo" have completed this level too!!
Elias : (now I can imagine why there presence is too strong)what is the minimum time to complete this??
Pablo : as I have remembered two boys just do it in 15 days!! and a boy named Sorren who just completed this in one month!!
Elias : whaaattttttt??? Sorren?? can you give me some details?
Pablo : why don't you meet them at the top yourself!!!!
Elias : alright!!I still have a month!!

Narrator : Elias determination to be at the top of Thale grew stronger,he put some more weight and do some extra workouts 15 days of second month have passed and Elias managed to complete the 3rd helix...but now another challenge begins....the height of Thale 5km from sea level where the level of oxygen is low and Elias begin to feel nausea , anxiety, hallucinations...those things continued for 5 days now just 10 days left!!Elias was beginning to down his moral again because it's been 5days without any progress!!!

Pablo : the last two helix are the toughest there you must have to control your body evenly, you must have control over your breathing!!

Narrator : Elias stopped his basic training for 3 days and focused his entire mind to control his breathing!!and here is the last 7 days!!Elias increases his basic workout and continue it for 2 days and now just 3 days remain!! on the third day Elias gave his best and completed the climb upto the 2nd helix, now left the last one which is a slight stiff than the others which is a 1km distance!! Elias found that he have only two days!! on the second last day he focused on his breathing and here comes the final day!!
(dramatic background) Elias dashed dashed and dashed 100,120,140,180 and finally 200kg and stepped the top of Thale!!!
Narrator : haaa..haaa..haaa....haaaaa.... Elias my boy you made it.... you made it....yoo hoooo!!!!

Elias : yeeeeeeeessssssssss!!!
Pablo : (keeping his hand over Elias shoulder) you did it kid!!!!

Narrator : Elias saw a bigger mansion about 5times bigger than the one at the base and there was a lady waiting at the door of the mansion and said....... "WELCOME TO BLUE TREE ACADEMY"
by PS BidhanKumar

Narrator : so my fellow readers did you like the chapter one,if yes then please like, comment and share.... don't worry guys all your questions be answered in upcoming chapters!! enjoy the story and comment me your best moments and also comment me your favourite character in this chapter....see you in chapter II( coming soon)