

Ghosts of the Past (Chapter Four)

After having the conversation with Ahmed and he left, I opened my Messenger app and checked up for my best friend, Kate.

Me: Where are u guys?

Bestie💕: We're almost there, calm down jhoor.

Me: Why do all of you pple calling me jhoor nowadays?

Bestie💕: I'm here.

Me: You're here!!!!😮😮😱I'm coming!!!

Bestiee 💕: Be fast and please don't fall...I'll be waiting 😂😙

I closed my app and ran all the way out of the auditorium. I don't care what people think of me right now, all my brain was focused on was just two words,"SHE'S HERE!!!"

I sprinted to the hostel and when I mean sprinted, I did, I don't know how but i did, and that's saying something, I'm not someone who runs for long, I mean, I wouldn't even last for twenty minutes if I was jogging, I'd end up getting extremely tired and I hate it when I'm sweaty.

My body gets all clamped up and sticky because of the sweat mixed with the cream I'd rub.

I saw her Mom's red Corolla and I couldn't be more happy, my best friend has really arrived, she's really here!!!

My eyes scanned the area for her but I couldn't find her. The scent of perfume invaded my nostrils and I immediately knew who it was.


I could smell her from a distance, with or without her perfume but her scent drawed me to her.

She uses different types of perfume but 'POSSESS' was her signature perfume and it did well to compliment her personality quite well.

You see, my bestie was someone who could make you do anything without even asking to beg, it's like she was an evil queen, but not evil, of course, she could make any one do anything with just the snap of her fingers.

I turned and look and behold, she was standing there with a huge smile on her face and an ice cream cone.

With chocolate and vanilla flavour, my favourite.


"Yo bestie, don't I get a hug?"

That's the best friend I know and care about.

"Of course you do, now come here."

I swear I could have squeezed the life out of her.?

"And your sister says you're a light hugger, where's that little bundle of sunshine?"

She straightened up here dress and hair then raised an eyebrow at me.

"She must be somewhere around here or maybe she's still with my parents, how am I supposed to know, I was in the auditorium waiting for you."

"Chill out na, na question I bin dey ask."

"Sorry oo Mma."

"Afonko(You too), Where's your Mom?"

"Its true ooo, follow me, she was looking for you, come let's go."

She didn't even allow me to walk on my own, she dragged me all the way there, I swear sometimes, she could be exactly like Faith.

We stopped in front of the hostel. I spotted her Mom with my mom, what is wrong with Ibibio parents these days, suddenly they are all friends?

What would I hear next, that she was in my Mom's secondary school or something or that their grandparents were friends...Jesu.

I didn't want to be rude so I decided on greetings her.

I glanced at my best friend, she wasn't even paying attention, she was busy tapping in her phone.

She's exactly like Faith, sometimes I wonder why they weren't born twins. For a 15 year old and a 16 year old, they sure are alike.

I gently tapped her shoulder and she glanced at me.


"Lemme say hi to your Mom, wait for me."


I walked over to where Aunty Mmekom was standing and greeted her.

She turned to face me.

"Id, how're you?"

She didn't even wait for me to answer as she pulled me into a bone-crushing hug...Okay, what? The heck? Was that?

"Ameuyong ama"(You're so tall).

"Yes Aunty, how're you?"

"I'm fine ooo, Ya Abasi aye ukpono"(All thanks be to God).

"Okay Aunty. I hope my friend there has been taking good care of you ooo."

"Well, she tried her best but we all know how she is, she hates work," Aunty laughed even my Mom did too, I just smiled at Kate.

I knew it p, that friend of mine wouldn't work even if she was going to be paid millions, she'd rather prefer sleeping, just like me, but at least I wake up to do house chores...

She's workload herself...

"Excuse me."

"Alright, we'll see you later dear, we'll be in the auditorium, okay?"

"Okay, Mom."

I went back to Kate. She noticed me and pocketed her phone back in her pocket. "So, where to now Madam?"

"I don't know, are your things arranged?"

"No, they're not."

"Why not?"

"I'm tired ooo, I'll do it later."

This girl, I wonder when she'll change.

I shook my head at her chuckling, "Katy, come on, let's go arrange your stuff."

I dragged her in to the hostel, the same way she dragged me to her Mom, but the problem is, she doesn't have a firm stand and she fell, butt flat on the floor.


"Sorry, sorry, sorry, I'm so sorry Kate."

"Its okay Idy, I only fell, not died, now help me up and stop blabbing."

I held out my hand for her to take and pulled her up.

I let her walk on her own this time.

We reached our room, she was sleeping on my right while Faith was sleeping on my left.

Love and behold, the girl in which we were looking for was right here and on my bed for that matter. Her own bed was neatly dressed, I don't see the reason why she couldn't lay on it.

Payback time...

I flopped down on her own bed and her eyes shot up to meet mine. Sweet victory...

"Id, why'd you stay on my bed?" She whined.

"Why are you on my bed?" I asked ever since sweetly while batting my eyelashes.

"Come on, I didn't want any one to stay on my bed."

"And so did I, but apparently, you didn't get the message, I suffered to arrange my things and yours and what did I come back to see, you on my well dressed and straightened bed, it's not fair ooo."

"Sister, me I don't like what you did oo."

Is she actually hearing herself, I'm the one that is supposed to be angry because she stayed on my bed but I'm not and she's the one who's angry???

Kate's voice interrupted my line of thoughts,"Before you people get angry ehn, could you please help me arrange my stuff."

"Sure, that's what I came her for actually and I'm glad I did."

I dressed Faith's bed back and went to sit at the side of my bed facing Kate's bunk. Kate plopped down beside me and we opened up her box and began arranging her things.


When we were finished, I turned to look at Faith and she was fast asleep with her phone in hand.

I closed the applications that were left on in her phone and set her phone in her locker, where it would be safe and then made my way outside with Kate, who was clinging to me like a koala to a tree.

I got a text from Luke and I read it out loud so that Kate would hear, since it practically concerned her.

Bro💜: Has Katie arrived?

Why is he asking about Kate? Well, I know she's my best friend and all but why?

Kate turned to me, "Why is your brother asking about me?"

"I dunno, lemme find out."

Me: Yh, she has. Why do u ask?

Bro💜: Umm...could you guys come to the auditorium?

Me: Okay, we're headed there but please could u tell me wats going on?

Bro💜: Just come over here.

And then he went offline.

What's going on???

"What did he say?" She asked.

"He just said that we should come to the auditorium."

"Did he say what for?"

"No. Let's go find out?"

"Yeah, lets go."

Chapter Four.

I've tried.

More than a thousand words.
Me is tired.

Chapter Five will come later in the day.

If there are any grammatical errors please don't be afraid to point it out.
I'd be more than happy to correct them.

With love from,

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