

Mr. Perfect chapter 3
Chapter 3 - Beautifully Disturbed

Chase's Pov

I was standing there waiting for her and I heard her footsteps approaching towards me, I was furious I turned to shout at her but what I saw in front of my eyes made my emotions change to something else, oh god what the fucking eyes are those big and blue like the ocean, I literally skipped a beat , is she who I selected as my PA , I can't believe my eyes she looked like goddess why I have not noticed before ,I was so lost in thoughts that she was already standing in front of me, I snapped myself and opened the door of the passenger side she quietly sat in, there was an awkward silence until we reached the event place, I stepped out walked the other side opened the door and extended my hand to help her out which I usually don't do, she looked at me for a minute in confusion but took my hand and we walked in, "Good evening Mr. Parker" Mr. James Steele greeted while I did the same, he immediately turned towards my PA "Ms. Finley you look gorgeous" she gave a smile and said "Thank you Mr. Steele" for some reason I felt irritated I turned to my PA "Ms. Finley I have some business to talk with Mr. Steele please make yourself comfortable" and left her there.

Andrea's pov

I heard others say that my boss was very cold & rude but working with him for the past one week I don't feel like that because he is hard but only with business, he wants everything to be perfect associating to his business if anything goes wrong you will see the most dangerous side of him but I think he also has a soft side which he often doesn't show.

After he left to talk some business with Mr. Steele, a waiter offered me with wine I took a glass and walked to the other side of the hall while sipping my wine, I was starring at the paintings on the wall while I heard some familiar voice behind me "Andrea you look stunning" I turned to only see my ex-boyfriend standing with a wide smile on his face, seriously?! Why the hell I should see him again, I gave an awkward smile "Thanks jay" and turned to walk away controlling all my anger but it became more worst when he stopped me by holding my hand, I immediately shook him and took a step back "jay it's over between us please don't make this worse anymore" I said angrily "Ann it won't happen again please come with me" I lost my temper and shouted "don't ever talk about me coming with you when everything is already over, you are not worth for my love you cheater"

Chase's pov

While I came back after discussing our next collaboration with Steele corporation I saw Andrea with a glass of wine in her hand yelling at a man, I slowly walked towards her, "what's happening Ms. Finley" she looked at me apologetically and said "Mr. Parker I'm sorry I can't continue to stay here I need go" I stared at her questioningly while the other man spoke looking at me" who is this guy Andrea, is he your new boyfriend is that the reason you are not coming with me" she gave him killing look " you idiot he is my boss and why I'm not coming with you is because you cheated on me" he moved closer to her " it's a mistake and I won't do it again" he moved his hand to her cheek that made me angry but she poured the wine from the glass on his face " once a cheater is always a cheater" he suddenly took a move and pushed her on the floor, that's it I lost my cool and gave one punch on his face he fell on the floor while his nose started to bleed " STAY AWAY FROM HER." I gave her my hand and pulled her up and walked her to the car.While she sat inside the car I saw her eyes were filled with tears and she was battling to control it I slowly cleared my throat and asked "Are you alright? Do you want to talk about it" she let out all her emotions, her tears started rolling down her cheeks she covered her face with her palms and started to cry.Shit... I felt a sting in my heart, I can't see her crying, I wanted to kill that man for making her cry, I gently pulled her into my arms and patted on her shoulder "Andrea stop crying he is not worth your tears" I told and that was the first time I called her by her first name, after some time she stopped crying and backed to her seat I handed her some tissue from the glove compartment she wiped her eyes, clearing her throat she said "I'm sorry Mr. Parker" I kept silent for a minute and said "I will drop you at your apartment" and she nodded ,after a forty minutes drive we arrived at her apartment she was silent throughout the drive and I also didn't disturb her, she was deep in her thoughts " Andrea we are in front of your apartment" she snapped out and said "I'm sorry Mr. Parker" I smiled at her "you have said it too many times today" smiling back she said "Thanks for being my savior today Mr. Parker" I slowly said "I am glad I was and call me 'chase' when we are not on business" she looked hesitantly but she said "good night ...chase" it was so pleasant hearing her say my name, I hid the look on my face "good night Andrea" she made her way out to her apartment and I was still in my car staring at her back. For some reason thoughts were going weirder in my mind 'I wish I will be your savior till the end of my life' I snapped from my thoughts shit... this can't happen. 

© AJ