

She's dogged.

Because she posses the ability to never give up.
She never gives up in loving someone.
She never stops loving even after numerous heartbreaks.
She never learns from what she goes through.
Because she has learnt this unbounded and longing love which she shares every person she encounters with.
She's easily flattered.
She's easily convinced.
You might be thinking She's easily available, so be it , She's.
You take care of her, she'll let you win.
For all this reasons she keep choosing the same people who have always kicked her from behind.
She's somewhat blind in all this process or she appears to be good one.
She keeps going after them for ni fault of hers.Her heart is bruised,her mind is void,her voice is numb,her actions are spoilt.
Bit by bit she's torn apart yet she managed to pull herself altogether again.
From being a sufferer of list to being fully drained by emotions, people healed themselves and left her behind in pain.
As the time passes by,she ages into a woman and her stories keep getting darker and darker.
She says she's all colour in one at full brightness.But little did she knew that people would use her light to brighten their life and she would keep getting used for numerous times.
She says she never learns from her mistakes.
And that's quite a truth.
How can she always be a giver while she never received her amount of love and care?? Maybe the way she wants to get treated is the way she treats others.

And even though when she could barely be happy for a moment that too hot brutally snatched away from her leaving no traces of happiness.

Still with this broken heart of hers she manages to pull herself into a perfect, independent and sensible woman with extra touch of love, which I think people couldn't handle..

Isn't it????

© sanara