

Using words as an effective form of communication is good, but words are best when you put in the proper action to back what you are saying because, as the saying goes "TALK IS CHEAP", anybody who has a voice and the ability to talk can speak but what makes the words reliable is when you have the integrity and dignity to say what you mean and mean what you say, otherwise you are just a noise maker.

Politicians talk but don't do what they say (liars), mad people talk but don't know what they are saying (unsound mind), and even animals like parrots talk too, (imitate sounds), so just because somebody can construct sounds that make sense/ meaning to you don't necessarily mean that the person himself has common sense or know the actual meaning of what they are saying, they could be crazy people who are just copying what they heard somewhere and are repeating it to you or they could just be telling you lies to get what they want from you.

somewhere and are repeating it to you or they could just be telling you lies to get what they want from you or get away from a difficult situation.

If you say you want a good husband/wife, let your actions show that it can accommodate a good spouse because if you buy a nice material and put it In the hands of a bad tailor, they will surely ruin it for you, if you say you love somebody, let your actions prove it, I love you; sounds good when you hear it being said to you, but it feels different and better when you see the love expression in motion/action rather than when they are spoken to you, saying it with your mouth and not demonstrating it means you don't mean it, love never hides, say what you feel, act how you feel and let the person see it.

If you say you want to help somebody, do it, don't create excuses or wait for them to remind you or beg you, if you can not do it, tell them upfront and retain your integrity and also save the person time and energy to look for help elsewhere, if you say you want to get good grades in school, read your books first, you want to be a preacher, then practice what you preach, your actions most align with what you are saying because your words without action are very futile and will lay dormant forever unless you breathe life into them, by doing things that don't contradict with them.

Action is more effective than words if not blind people and deaf and dumb people's gestures will not be taken into consideration as part of communication, if these people can communicate effectively, then it is only logical and rational for you to look out for people's actions and motives rather than the sound that they make from their mouth.

Don't be misled by cheap talk because people say things out of ignorance, pressure, mischief, or selfishness but the good news is they can not keep up with the act and lies forever because when you say things and don't act on them, it always backfires. Learn to cultivate the habit of watching out for people's actions so that you will not be gullible or easily fooled and carried away by mere words that are not coming from the heart, there is an adage that agrees with this fact; "ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAN VOICE". Words can only come alive when you activate them because just saying them and not acting on them makes them fall back asleep.

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