

The Art of Writing.

[My initiative to send a message to a young writer who felt disappointed, unheard by his friends and that his words had no impact.]

Everyone deserves to be read and heard.
Shining comes from within,
with the act of creation.
There's not such thing as a good writer.
If writing helps you calm the voices in your head then you should do it.
And you should post it.
Because it's part of you , it reflects your soul.
And you should be proud,whether people like it or not.
You might meet people who feel and think just like you.

So if someone is capable of expressing their feelings and thoughts in words they should share the damn thing. There are many people out there suffering , who can't do that.
They can't express themselves.
It's shameful to mute those who can ,because, from our point of view, aren't good enough.

© ladycockroach
#Writing #freedom #expression #inpiration