

Befriend Me, Brother - 2
She knew that she ought to face a great giant, that Goliath at her husband's town. That's none but her mother in law.
'Hooch!' She pumped out her restless breath. 'She is good. May be some third parties' words have corrupted her mind. May be some people have shared some bitter experience with their daughters in law which would have preoccupied her mind with fear before knowing me better' - She pondered.
As soon as she entered her mother in law's house she went with her baby and husband to their church to continue another Christmas celebration there. That was successfully done as she had planned earlier.
Yet she wasn't clear how to approach her mother in law after a long time, what sort of response she's gonna give. Yet the God of Reunion of Heaven and Earth helped her. She smiled at her. Received a positive response. She embraced her grand daughter.
That made her joyful really joyful. That would have made the third parties burn with jealousy if they had seen that.
At the end of the prayer all came out with bright colours like a garland of primroses with the range of colours swaying in the air.
She requested her husband to take a family snap at front of the Kudil, a miniature of Christ’s birth.c
She softly rested her arm on her shoulder. Both of them kissed each other as though it was pre-planned.
'Oh! God thank you very much. Your plans are far greater than ours. I feel the burden is lessened now. Thank you so much.'
With that grateful heart she entered her mother in law's house. This time she joyfully entered the house.
Yet that was not long lasting. She had to face a war of misunderstandings.
She took some rest that was needful for her body. And that too was taken after being persuaded by her sister in law. Her mother in law mistook that for a dislike for her sister in law. But most assuredly she was free at mind when someone of her with or kin was near.
Hurtful words! Yet she tolerated them.
Then came a common enemy for another reunion of understandings. Mrs. Ray started to write of what had happened:
‘Does the north pole and south pole join together?
It was a dark October, cloudy Thursday, The National Highways Authorities forced us to evacuate our place. All our properties?
Yes. We were asked to leave our house within a few hours. That was the pride of my father in law and mother in law. That was the property of pride for all their children.
The mouth which once spoke of dowry became polite now. Once me and my less dowry were their enemies. But now all their concern was about their demolished house and property without a relief fund. Now we both have a common enemy. That is the National Highways which humbled the property of pride and lifted this human of lowly.
Money makes man or man makes money? Which one is costlier? Money or man? Thanks to the National Highways which has taught the pride the humanity and rewarded the patience of the poor and lowly human by making both the poles join together.
NH, our common enemy has served as a bridge between us after a long time struggle in the river of patience.’
Then came the arrival of a group of boastful relationship. Her elder sister in law and her daughter were so close to her husband from. Her husband's niece Ms. Sophie grown up in the arms of her husband and in his embrace.
Their arrival didn't disturb her as she had understood that blood is thicker than water. She knew that she couldn't stand in between such relationships.
Her student-hood heart reminded her of that pledge line – “All Indians are my brothers and sisters.”
'I am grateful for such a line in our pledge. I need not boast any of my dearest relationships. From now on I call my husband 'Brother'. That's it. It doesn't mean that I end up our relationship. We have just started a friendship. By law and duty we are a husband and a wife. Yet as friends we help each other. When a friend comes up with a right correction, a friend admits it. This is the same between us. No competition in our affections.
Oh my husband! Be my brother and befriend me.
You're the one I trusted
But for once in my lifetime.
When I called you brother
'twas really - really hurting.
Yet it sounded good then
While I thought of doomsday
Facing God on that Judgement seat
And standing alone with no one to speak for me.’
This is how Mrs. Ray ends her story with a song of her heartbeat.
- to be continued
© gladis