


Severe Pandemic lost many lives worldwide
Coronavirus (COVID-19) is an infectious disease which spread from person to person it emerged from China in city of Wuhan in december 2019.

COVID -19 symptoms include Fever, Cough , and shortness of Breath which can also cause Death.

There is no Vaccine yet .preventions include handwashing, bend hands during coughing , Social Distancing and stay home . COVID -19 has detected people from all over the World and is considered Pandemic. Its symptoms are seen in people within 14 days. Almost every country which affected has lockeddown thier Country.Countries have taken immediate actions and response to treat, detect and reduce transmission to save people’s lives. In India Prime minister announced 21-day nationwide lockdown inorder to protect its citizens from transmission.

It’s crucial to practice good hygiene, respiratory etiquette and social distancing.