

That Day..🙃

It was a normal going day , everyone was so happy nd enjoying their lives...Everything happened normally . It was 12:00 in the night nd still I was sitting nd thinking about my life..I wasn't able to understand that why I was feeling so uncomfortable. When I didn't get anything I took out my story book and began reading. Reading and Reading I passed 45 minutes. Still there was no tiredness in my eyes , nor I was feeling sleepy. I couldn't make out what was happening ...Suddenly I heard a sound ...I went to my balcony to see what was there nd what I saw was someone playing radio at 12:45 at night .. I was like who could be so incredible to listen songs so late but it is obviously their life nd I couldn't take decision for them.
Oh...listening to the night singing and seeing those starry spehres made me feel free of everything...I sat there nd forget about everything. Suddenly I saw someone approaching near my neighbour's house. I was frightened indeed nd I thought to go nd ask my mom to come nd check what the hell was going .. I ran towards the room nd call out my mom..She came out nd when she saw beneath she didn't found anything strange. I was shocked , surprised nd curious about what was happening coz I was unable to figure out anything..Mom went in nd she slept nd once again I was alone watching the society like a night owl... I don't know how the night went nd I was so frightened about yesterday. Mom asked what happened and I told her everything nd then what she said was truly horibble for me..She spoked "no dear yesterday whole night u were. suffering from cough nd I was just aside u taking care so that ur condition be better nd not get worst." Then mom went inside nd till today I am shocked nd confused that what happened to me "THAT DAY"...What were those strange noise , nd feelings that come to me " THAT DAY"..🙃

Do u have answer~!!!!!!
