

Descendent of Revan (Part 3)
I put my hands out to my right side like I was going to be passed a ball. I compressed energy into a force push and when he drew his breath to yell I sent the blast hurling through the hallway. It smashed all of them against the closest wall as it cleared a path and blasted through the last wall.
Only a few managed to stay awake. As they shot at me I deflected back their attacks and finished my walk through the hallway. I saw two large doors on the right and two battle droids waiting in front of them.
I lightening shocked them so they were stunned then used the force to pull away their weapons and crush them into useless sparking balls of trash. I pressed a hand to the control pannel and listened to the currents. I sent small electrical currents through of my own and willed them to where they needed to go. The panel shocked me and I stepped back with my finger tip between my lips. "Ow!" I gasped with disappointment. The door sparked again and then opened. I smiled and jumped with excitment.
The men on deck were pointing weapons at me.
"Well, come on... what's the hold up?"
"Your grandfather would be so proud of you." Said the captain.
My smile faded and I glared at the older man that was approaching me. I force froze him with one hand as he got only 6 ft away. That was too close. "Don't talk about him again unless you want your legs broken."
"I'm Admiral Taro Era."
"You took my mother from her abusive master and brought her to Castyl."
"The Emperor would be confused as to why his daughter is doing this."
I tensed and felt complete unease. "That man is NOT my father!"
"Just the same, he'd like you to come home."
That would speed things up...but I'd be stupid to do it that way. So, clearly it would be a trap. I probably wouldn't end up with the Emperor. I'd end up with his puppet Master. Starkiller. I wasn't ready... and I was scared.
"That isn't my home. Whatever game you're playing is over. Leave this ship... it won't be in the sky much longer."
He didn't reply.
My eyes stung and I demanded in anger. "LEAVE THIS SHIP!"
The others dropped their weapons and said at the same time, "We have to leave this ship."
The second in command spoke on the intercom. "Abandon ship!"
I force pushed the Admiral into the chair and made the straps wrap around him tightly.
"XO before you go, I need you to fire on the remaining ships. Make sure they have time to escape, after that set the ship to self destruct and then leave."
"I think I'll fire on all remaining ships and then set the ship to self destruct before I go."
"Fantastic." I turned to face the Admiral he was very calm. "I'm not so easily swayed."
"That's fine. You'll make a great gift for General Marikass. I'm sure she has a few questions."
The explosions began and while it angered the Admiral he still managed to remain calm. "You seek to save the people below yet you haven't killed one person on this ship. All of these ships are replaceable."
"People are not replaceable. I'm sure many on board have families they'd like to see again."
"You have power that only darkside wielders can use, yet you are clearly not on the path...how?"
I pressed my lips together and shrugged as I looked out the window at the fireworks of exploding ships. "My parents taught me a good balance of both."
"How is that possible? Neither side will accept what you are."
"Not really sure how it's possible but it isnt always easy. I'm aware of the situation but I don't seek the acceptance of either side."
"You are teetering on the path path of destruction."
I smiled and looked at him. "It's not a teeter so much as a careful line. It is a choice. The world is not all good Admiral and it isn't all bad either. I simply make the choice to say no or yes... but I don't try to be something I'm not. Denying one or the other is denying part of who you are. I know who I am."
"It would seem you do... the GA does not bare the same beliefs as Jedi. They will use their means for information and then they will kill me."
"Won't the Emperor do the same for this failure?"
"Perhaps, but perhaps not."
"Well, I can always take the answers she seeks from you without physical torture, if you prefer."
"I don't prefer that either."
"This really isn't a negotiation, Admiral. You spent my whole life serving the Emperor. I honestly don't care what she does with you. I sense the blood on your hands."
The XO set the ship to self destruct and I levitated the Admiral to come with me to the remaining escape pods. I brought him on with me and launched down to where I sensed Abel.

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