

The dream part-2 the value of education

© amru
When I was roaming in the street with fear a grandfather called me and gave me food and clothes and treated me as his own grandchild he helped me to learn tamil and English language more easily.I lived with him for 2 years with a lot of  happiness.
One day he left me in an orphanage and gave them money to take care of me and my studies because he knew that his death was near.As soon as he died I am depressed as hell.The only happiness of my life is him and my mom (rosy) I really want to kill the people who killed my mom.So I decided to go to school.For the first time when I got into the school I felt that I am in my own world I was very happy to see more children like me but when I see men I had a little fear.When I got into my classroom everyone looked at me as I wore a dusty uniform and my hairs were not in a proper manner like others.Nobody in my class was ready to talk to me I can't understand my lessons everybody called me as a failure and untouchable.One day when my teacher was not in the class everyone tried to beat me and throw papers on me and tried to throw me out of the class and some tried to slap me but I ran out of my class crying and reached my orphanage and decided to jump from the top and die.so when I  stood at the top of the roof I closed my eyes and in a fraction of second I heard the sound of someone saying "living happily behind the people who told you to dieis a biggest victory".Then I decided to study and win my life in front of people who told me to die.I started to study today and night with a study cup (concentrate, understand, practice).
And in my next exam I am the class topper everyone asked me that from whom did you copy and my teacher throw me out of the class and suspended me for copying.In this society a person who wanted to study cannot study as they tell you that you copied and if you don't study you are a dustbin now I asked my orphanage friends that if there is any option to be graduated without going to school one told me that you can study at your home and write exams on school so I decided to do the same and at my 10 the board exam I scored 499/500.My school called me and they told me to study in the school without fees but I am not interested in the school I continued to study from home and in 595/600.