

“I love you.”

It started very ordinary. Quite a boring way. You will always be my favorite story, I will read over and over again.

I started working at a restaurant, I was simply a cashier. I started out in the mornings, and that was about it.
The schedule was never indifferent, the same times and days, the same people, the same names.
I started working there all because I needed a job, more because I was bored, and how else to spend time but to earn money?
I had social anxiety, so at first, I didnt think I’d do very great..
Somehow I found myself doing the job, and one of the best at that. I was the only one in the morning, the only Cashier that is. I never missed a day, and it was how it is.
One night I received the schedule, and I noticed a name. ‘Jordan’ how funny that is. It’s an ordinary name, dont get me wrong; but somehow it called my attention, was it because it was just new to the spot? I’m not completely sure, but not like it meant much. They were scheduled as ‘on call’ meaning they won’t really come in. What a shame really, it called my interest for no reason. How strange it felt, but there was nothing to be done.

Or so I thought.

Eventually your name appeared again. This time with times, you were placed in nightshift but that didn’t matter. I was surprisingly excited to put a face to the name. Even if we wont cross paths because we were on different times of days.
When the day came, I met you in a certain way. I didnt meet you, but everyone knew who you already were. I felt a distance, and that didnt sit well. Why? Im not sure, you are a stranger. At the end, I saw your face, and from what I saw, I liked instantly. That was it, nothing more to it.
It was a morning day, and I started my shift. To my surprise, you were there. I didn’t know what to say, or what to do. I wanted to talk to you, but didn’t know how. Until I saw your shirt, A black long sleeve with ‘Selena’ at the back and some song titles in the front. I liked her, and I liked your shirt, what more do I need? So I mustered up the courage to speak to you. Here it goes.. “Hey, I like your shirt” I felt satisfied with what I said, but it shortly left me when all you did was nod. Did I say it wrong? Is it not enough? Im not sure, but I sure felt dumb; I decided to not bother, clearly he didn’t want to talk, so I continued working as if nothing happened.
“What’s your favorite song?”
What? I looked at him dumbfounded, it was 5 minutes in and he asked me that after giving me a nod?
“I-I like all of them”
He nodded again.
I felt so confused, yet I wanted to face palm at this interraction. What is happening? I don’t understand. Not like it mattered, the rest of the shift was silence, and that was the last time I worked with you, and seen you after that.
A few days later you were fired, and that was the end of it.
That made me very sad, not sure why, but it did.

On a Thursday night, I received a notification through instagram. A new follow, and it was you. How? Well it was through a coworker, surely enough I was glad.
At the time you had a girlfriend, and that made me bummed out. More than not seeing you again, or being able to make up for our first conversation. It was ok, I wasn’t into relationships, and I wasn’t looking for one at all. You seemed really happy, and that was worthwhile.
You texted me a few times randomly, and most times it left me really amused at what we talked about. I based our interactions with our first encounter, and the only common ground they had was ‘this is awkward’. You talked to me once, and suddenly brought up how you were fired, I guess you needed to vent, and although you don’t know me, I felt glad that I was a person you felt like you can do that with. Overall it only led to that, vents here and there. One time even a Relationship dispute, and that didn’t feel comfortable for me. I was glad to help none-the-less. I was looking at the brightside, I was your safe space.
Silence was left after, for a few days. Then weeks, and occasionally months. We didnt talk as often as we use to, not that it was a daily thing. I missed the once in a while notification, it somehow made me happy.
November was the month when I heard from you again. A lot has happened, you came to vent. I must have took it wrongly, I should have been there as a friend, but I was happy at the opportunity, because you told me she broke up with you and you were alone again. I realized this was my chance to be in your life again. Not as someone, but I just wanted in. I started asking you on small little dates. The first one was ice skating with some friends. It was amazing really, at first I was in a trance. I was really happy to have you at my side once again. You showed interest in one of my friends, so I got jealous but mainly sad. I gave you guys space because maybe you will be happy again? So I went to a room to wait and swung my feet on a chair. You came in and asked what happened but I didn’t give you much of an answer or explanation. We left it at that, and went in the ice rink. I skated along the wall, afraid to fall, and having the skates brush against my skin, causing a cut and rash along my ankles. You went ahead at first but often came back to me. Each time I took a break outside you came to me, and at the end you asked to hold my hand and skate together to help me. I was extremely happy, truly I was, but I didn’t want my hopes up so I kept it to myself. Until I heard you say “I can’t believe I’m holding your hand” with a gaze at me that made my heart flutter again. I took a break and you came next to me and sat down. You asked me to dinner and that made me realize that maybe, just maybe, I wanted to give this a try.
I had a ‘crush’ on you back then, and I thought it was a fleeting feeling that would be gone. Truly I was wrong because in due time it grew strong.
We went on more dates, the second time we were alone, it made me nervous because I never felt like this, I never been in close proximity with someone I liked. That day we went on some rides and walked along side each other. You wrapped your arm around me and that felt cozy. Im not sure if it was because of the cold air that hung around us that made you feel warmer and making me want to be closer. But this was nice. I wanted this forever. That day you kissed me, It was my first real one. I didnt know what to do, so I tried to follow along. My heart fluttered again, is this what butterflies are like? The kiss was lovely, one I’ll never forget.
From then on, we went on more dates, and they were cute and the best. I even got you your job back, and only on the days we worked together.
Life was better around you, you made it come back to life. The irony right?
One day I just had it, I had enough. This was it, I could no longer wait. After a long day of bowling and shopping and having dinner late at night. I turned to you and said “Hey, Ive had enough.” You looked at me strangely, as I took your hand. I think you took it wrong until you heard me say “I wanted to wait this out, and ask this in a better way. But I can’t wait anymore, I really want this and I hope you do to. So, will you go out with me?” Your concerned face slowly faded to a smile and a nod, there it is, that nod that started it all. “yeah” you replied simply, I know its because I caught you off-guard. How can I, of all people, do this after all?
“I wanted to wait to ask you on valentines day, and make it romantic” he said.
“Well I beat you to it, sorry” I said with a smile while holding his hand. at that time it was midnight, it was officially, February 12.
The day I count my lucky stars that I got to call you mine.
The beginning was lovely, but as time went it disnt stay the same. We grew closer and farther, as the days went. We fought on the daily, some days we didn’t even speak. Was this ok? I didn’t know, this was my first relationship. We learned things about each other, and somehow I still loved you more. I began to fear if it was the same with you, or if you will grow tired and bored. I didnt know love was difficult, and what jealousy was. I didn’t know how much it could hurt, and how much it felt great. some days I grew to hate you, I wanted to stop seeing your face. Some days I couldnt get enough of you, I wanted to be skin to skin.
Crazy right? I didnt think I’d convert to this. I didnt think I wanted to stay with the same person for as long as I lived. I didnt know I can experience every emotion, and feel some type of way.
This wasn’t suppose to happen, and yet it did. How funny that is, how things turned out. I love you, You. I really do.
Here ends, the beginning of our love story.

© grey:D