

I was exhausted, I dragged my feet tired hoping I find a kiosk soon so I could get water, I took out my earphones from both ears embracing the natural sounds around me, I looked up to the university's Main gate and remembered that I was actually in the university, I was a student in a university, this university that I admired for reasons unknown to me.
I looked around and saw different people around me, some walking alone just like I was, some of them in groups, laughing and discussing. I thought to myself "What brought most people to a university?" could it be their glimmer of hope from a poor and terrible life?" could it be they love education?" I felt some of them didn't even know why they were there. some of them came because it's a norm to be in a university, and some came as an escape from home, meanwhile, others came because they were forced and didn't have a choice.
The reason wouldn't matter anymore because we all landed here, we're in this place where we are confined and looked upon as the upcoming heroes in the country. In my country, however, the concept of being a hero has been restricted to a few disciplines. we have a battle to fight, trying to safeguard our future and make our guardians/parents proud of us, we don't have a choice, however, don't get mistaken, not everyone cares if they make anyone proud, some of them want an escape from this place, To some it's an asylum, to others heaven, and to a few a place where they get trained so they can be the next heroes of the country.
Most people aren't even pursuing their dreams here, their life is like a repeat of each day, struggling to attend classes, talk to people, and get anxious when exams draw near, most people end up in the wrong disciplines for various reasons, I wondered if I was also on the right path here, well I'll find out soon.
© Freya Stone