

Jackpot of Life!
I read it once, then twice. I wasn't imagining it - I had won the lottery!It was indeed a jackpot, oh I jumbed put of curiosity all of my prayers has been heard my Lord it has brought an end to my rustic life, I screamed out of utter joy . All of sudden I became a corepathi it was indeed a boon been showered upon me. After ushering out of the reality I looked upon the information for claiming the cash price. When I looked into my mobile few calls had already come in for claming it out from the authority. As I was on the way to the office in procedure to claim it, I got into a block which turned out be one of the biggest eyeopening time maker, as I was peeping out through my window, one little eye caught my look, she had an attire which was fully torned off and was barely managing with the cold out there, my eyes couldn't resist me to avoid her, instead I pulled out on of my jackets and gave it to her. The utter glimpse of gratitude and happiness which I obtained from her was indeed pleasing and fortunatable for me. This very experience gave me an enlightenment regarding the realities of life. With the jackpot obtained I decided to spent it in need of the needed ones. Thus the very instinct which I got from this is to loose onself in helping others in order to find the true ourself.