

Midnight ♡Part Four♡
《Aggh!!! 》
Midnight falls to the ground holding her head in her hands. She gasps for air as if shes a fish out of water. When she wakes up a few hours later she feels...Different...
When she goes outside she notices things she didnt normally take notice to like the leaves on the ground that were once alive, or a bird eating bugs and worms so that it can feed its babies. She felt almost better about herself.
She had no more self pity or same. She felt like a whole new person. And when she made her way to the cliff she met a new person. His name was Alex.
"Hey I'm Midnight"
"Are you new in town? Because I don't think I've see.see.n you around here before"
"No I just moved here actually"
"Well. ice to meet you Alex"
"You too Mid"
Midnight went home feeling great about herself and what she had accomplished for the day. She never had felt proud of herself, and this was a weird feeling.