

Point of view: You are slowly hating yourself..
"Okay were now seventeen, children please turn on your camera" The teacher spoke out, but you didn't bother and continue on, for some unidentified reasons..

"Okay so what were studying for psychology is Nature of Emotions, we have several common emotions can anyone name one?" The teacher asked the class..

You didn't bother answering instead you just go on and continue crossing across webs as the class goes on..

"Joy" The class model, Cheska. Answered.

"Joy, what else?"

"Sadness" The class president, Rchie. Spoke out.

"Joy, sadness. What else? There's alot of emotions!" The teacher hinted a little..

"anger?" Cheska answered again.

"Correct! Is cheska and Rchie my only student here?" The teacher complained.

To be honest, you envy Cheska for alot of reasons and being smart is...