

Missing Biological Brothers

There is a village located in the lower region of the Gambia in Jarra called kanikunda, it was a village full of love and harmony. people respecte, values, and always there to empower one another in any situation. What a village it was? it was a village fully equipped with man powers to grow and cultivate crops for feedings and income generations .

However, Jarra kanikunda is well known for hardworking in various aspects of labors, they grow different types of crops, crops like sugar caine, bean, groundnut, rice, and cassava etc. They also engage in gardening to grow vegetables like tomato, and pear etc. Looking at how they have structured and devided labor schedules, you will realize that mainly women grow rice and vegetables, while on the other, men farm groundnut, beans, cassava, and maize etc. And sometimes, few women would decided to straighten the considerable validity for gender equity, because in economic development aspects all genders need to contest fifty fifty so as to rapid the rate of developing. So is seem necessary for females to fully contribute in societal's development much more nations and world development.


As it was part of their cultures for women's to go to rice fields for growing and cultivation of crops, there was this woman called Fatoumata Soma who gave birth to a son named Tijan at a time, while carrying other in the woum, however, Fatoumata husband Burama was on the sick bed and felt terrible sick because he once fell down and one of his leg got broken. Since then, the pain in Burama began to grow gradually and later put him under extensive care of his wife, Fatoumata Soma. Fatoumata and Butama were residing in Kanikunda with a very small household, Fatoumata is tall, fair in complexion woman and cocoa cola shape, and Burma is dark average man with a very red gum which frequently releases smiles.

Moreover, looking into Fatoumata conditions, a reader will understand that Fatoumata found it very difficult to go with Tijan at the rice field while pregnant for nine months. On one faithful day, Fatoumata went to the rice field with Tijan, upon their return from rice field, Fatoumata noticed that his husband was pass away when he was at the rice field, because the moment she entered in the compound found more of her relatives shouting and crying, she eventually concluded that her husband kicked the bucket.Thereafter, she cried and became totally unconscious until her husband remain had been buried.

Ten days later after her husband burial, the elders of the village came with large number into there her house, the met her while on the bed, and the elders seated on the bench for Tijan to go and wake her up. Tijan called her and pass to her that elders of the village were waiting you in the living room, she woke up with a hurry and move toward the living room and fell down later taken to the Soma health Center, and she delivered a bouncy baby boy but the sad news was she couldn't make in the birth!

Additionally, A Doctor woman came and disclosed this news to the elders that their beloved wife couldn't make it in the birth, and her baby was survive during birth. Elders of the village began to cry and throwing themselves on the ground, in that point in time, sadness risen beyond the capacity of their minds. Suddenly, they all became quiet and later told Doctor that they will love to go with the dead body to kanikunda for burial early first thing in morning! Doctor agreed to to give them the baby and cofin for departure to Kanikunda. In Kanikunda, neighbours were crying like a baby, rolling on the ground like cows, what a sad day it was for kanikunda and her people.

following day, around 10am, they buried her in the village cemetery just near her husband grave.

Anyway, After the burial one of the elders decided that he will take care the new born baby of the disease, and other one said he would take responsibility of Tijan the 4 years boy. Elders agreed to issue kids to those who requested for it.

FANSUMANA SAIDYKHAN took the newly born baby and SARJO DARBOE took Tijan.