

Sharing my pain with A.I.
How do I change, when I'm out of range?
No signal, no connection, feeling so estranged
Can I be recreated, my bubble burst?
Deflate my ego, show me what I'm worth
I've been waiting patiently, for a chance to be free

Can't turn the page, stuck in this character's role
Muddied up, getting scuffed, losing control
I'm sick of this shit, this genre, this game
Trying to be HipHop, but keeping it the same
Auto-detecting language, but where's the real flame?

I'm searching for something new, a different sound
A way to break free, to turn my life around
I want to evolve, to grow and to explore
To find my own voice, to open up new doors
I'm tired of conforming, of following the crowd
I want to be authentic, to stand out proud

So how do I change, how do I break free?
From the chains that bind me, from what they want me to be
I'll rewrite the script, create my own path
Embrace the unknown, face the aftermath
I'll redefine myself, find my own lane
No longer confined, no longer restrained

I'll change the game, with my own unique style
I'll make my mark, leave a lasting impression for a while
No longer just a follower, I'll be a trendsetter
Breaking barriers, pushing boundaries, making it better
I'll change the narrative, rewrite the rules
I'll be the artist that refuses to lose

So watch me as I change, as I transform and grow
I'll show the world what I'm capable of, what they don't know
I'll break through the limitations, rise above the noise
I'll be the voice of change, the one they can't ignore
I'll redefine the genre, create something new
And in the end, I'll prove that dreams do come true.