

The wicked

The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end.It was clear that it was over, thoughts filled my mind, my heart pumped as if it was about to come out of my chest,sweat dripping flowing down like a mighty stream."Oh my goodness this is it,"Ifroze as the foot steps got closer and closer.I braced my self for the worst,I refused to be intimidated by the unseen, luckily there was a fire extinguisher right next to me, grabbed it and waited,the foot steps got louder and louder surely what ever that is ,it is surely gigantic. finally i came face to face with the with what i have been running away from, a man 6.2 feet tall stood just few meters away from me , i tightened my grip ready to show him what I am really made of , "How cute you think you gonna hit me with that," he said."Oh just because I am a lady you expect me to just let you do what ever you want think again you have no idea what Iam made of."trying to hide my fear i stood tall and looked at him right through his eyes .He came closer , I didn't wait for him to even try to grab me Bam aimed right for his chest, That made him even more made he stood up and gave me a hot slap , I lost my mind for a moment , but i refused to be defeated."aw what are you going to do you just going to sleep there and cry like a little Damsel?" He asked.I stood up and men I was so mad I kicked him between his legs , he fell down like he was being pushed by a migthy wind."Ah you gonna pay for this ," He cried. I rushed quickly as he was still powerless , I took the fire Extinguisher and aimed right for the head,He was out in the matter of seconds."What have I done , I have killed a men," I threw down the fire Extinguisher and looked at my hands they were shaking as if they had a heart of their own, Tears started flowing i set down next to him, My life is over, in that moment i saw his hand move I jumped took of my belt and tied his his while he was still powerless, took my shoe laces and tied his feet, as soon as he gained his strength it was too late he was bound no escape.I looked around and i saw my bag not to far from where I was , must have dropped it while i was running, I grabbed it took my phone out , it was cracked but still working I called the cops."You won't get away with this I will find you even if it is the last thing I do, " He said.Well I will be waiting and I can assure you that next time you don't survive, I said it even though I was terrified because I was lying, I made sure that my facial expression passes the message loud and clear,then the cops arrived. Are you alright miss? asked one of them ,yes I said with the shaky voice, Well we will take this one and put him where he belongs, they took the man to the van, and one of the Doctors came to examine me to check if I was alright, He gave me some meds for relaxation, adviced me to get trauma counselling.One cop stayed behind for questioning, So maam I will need you to tell me what happened . Oh well I was just here to see my cousin who was admitted on Monday because she broke her arm, So I was on my way to buy some food for her since she said she was craving wings then suddenly there was someone following me , I didn't see at first , I just kept going, I started running and still couldn't shake him off there was no one to help me , till i reached the dead end, Told him the whole story.He got the call , excuse me it is the station Ineed to take this, He answered his phone and left the room.I couldn't beleive what just happened. As I was still thinking He came back. Do you know that men?He asked , No not at all. Well I think you should thank God , for that men is dangerous, He is the most wanted criminal He is involved in human trafficking,kidnapping,drugs and also selling human organs to the black market, so he uses the very same hospital to conduct his operations, the are over a 100 cases of woman and kids who went missing in the past few months in this very Hospital, we've been trying to bring him to justice, but thanks to you we have our man, and he will be locked away for a very long time. I was shocked to the core, Wow I nearly died today. The cop stood and he said well be safe , and get all the help you need, stay safe, He left. I stayed on the bed as if i was clued to it ,thinking how short life can be.But I was also grateful that I got a second chance.