

The Generational Chockers for a Reason.
South Africa and their fortune or let's say potential this was their best tournament amongst all of those in which they have participated earlier and another thing has come on D Miller why, he only go on to tore the teams apart in the Leagues he has got the reputation, but he didn't lead his ability to the mark where he really keeps the headache away and even yesterday the ball was perfectly bowl to ask him to hit it, but he dismantled South Africa. I do really feel for Markram, but at least they have got a captain who seems to have the Mindset to stand in front of the conditions and ask his team to come out with determination and a kind of inner expression where they don't let their team crumble and Markram has done that well. (He is the stylish Stroke Maker). Cheer up Adien you are a good captain, only work on that skill even more. It wasn't written, it is something that is a kind of trend that SA have looking to forget desperately but keeping yourself while having the mindset and this is South Africa.