

There is always hope
In my life I experienced both the good and the bad days..When I was growing up..life seemed so perfect..I had everything going for me..I was going to study medicine..It was my dream to become a doctor but then illness struck in the most crucial time of my life..whilst writting my metric exams.

I became so sick..that I couldnt further my studies. I suffered from depression..I'm on medication until this very day..its been twenty years now..since I fell sick..but I can truly say had God not been on my side..I would have perished, had Jesus not come to my rescue when I felt there was no hope..I would have drowned in the sea of affliction.

Today I can truly thank my Messiah, Jesus for saving my life...even when I was going to die..due to fat embolism...

My advice to you is there is always hope..Jesus is the Only true hope and light of the world. He is the saviour..of the world. He can turn your sorrow into joy..If you think your problem is the end of the world ..let me reassure you..that there is no problem to big God cannot solve it...

The reason I wanted to study medicine was to help others..but when my dreams got shattered..I thought this is the end ..I will not overcome this. I was very sick..but with time I recovered by the grace of God himself. I'm so delighted to say I'm in the process of becoming an author..I want to share my story with the world...of what God has done in my life by saving my life. Im so glad that I am still helping others ..to become an overcomer. I hope you are blessed by my story. Remember there is always hope. Jesus is that hope!