

His eyes widely opened, his feet moving fast, and his sword in his hand, Oma got to a brook and there, he stopped. He saw something that nearly moved him to act. An old woman stood in the brook, crying for help. She looked old and frail, sick and hungry. Her hairs were grey, her knees were feeble, and her skin looked wizened.

“I am stuck in the mud,” the old woman cried. “Please, help me to get out,” she pleaded, her tears were streaming down her cheeks.

Oma felt pity for the frail old woman. He wanted to help her . . .

“Who are you?” he asked, and looked closely at the frail, old woman.

“I was abandoned here by a man I loved so much. He betrayed me after loving and helping him all my life,” the old woman replied. She was still in tears, looking more pathetic . . .

My story on Dreame. It's free to read. New chapters added. Title: A Heart In Flames.

© Nana Kwasi Anto-Hia