

The Court of Bones and Shadow
Shadow : There's something I want to tell you.

Bones and Shadow were standing four feet apart today. They had been away for eight long years. They never uttered a word to each other.
Bones stood still, all those years, watching Shadow go here and there, and finally getting lost somewhere in the dark.
He never knew that Shadow could ever end up standing in front of him. And there she was ; four feet apart.
Bones joy knew no bounds that day. But Shadow was no longer the same one.
Bones : It's been really long shadow.
I never thought I'd meet you.
Shadow : So did I.
Bones : Where have you been all these years?
Shadow : Searching for someone to carry me.
Bones : Oh.
Found one?
Shadow : No.
Days passed by and they kept talking about how life had been all these eight years.

Then one day,
Shadow : Hey Bones.
Bones : Hmmm?
Shadow : There's something I want to tell you.
Bones : Go ahead.
Shadow : Eight years back, I used to wish for you to be my carrier.
Bones : What? ( Totally shocked)
Shadow : Yes.
Bones : But...
You never told me!
You even wanted me to take that
other one!
Shadow : I always wished that for me. But I
had to step back, back then.
( looking down and sighing)
Bones : You fool! ( Smile on face but eyes
Shadow : I am sorry.
May be, I shouldn't have said this
now... But..
Bones : I always wished that you, and only
you, to say those words to me.
Shadow : ( Totally dumbstruck)
But you never even gave me a hint ;
not even that day Bones!
Bones : I could never say what I felt for you,
but that day even my dreams were
shattered Shadow.
Oh Shadow, what did you do.
( In deep pain)
Bones always wanted to carry Shadow and Shadow also once wished the same.
And they discovered this eight years later.

Bones : Well... I'll see you later Shadow.

Bones : You know what Shadow, all these
years, I've always thought of you, just
Shadow : You should've looked for someone
else Bones, just like me.
Bones : I couldn't.
And they both stared long into each other's eyes.

Days passed and they kept talking and getting closer to each other.
Then one day, they met someone.

Shady : Hey Shadow!
How have you been!
Shadow : Hey Shady! Oh Dear!
I am fine.
Meet my friend, Bones.
Bones, she's my darling, Shady.
Bones : Hi Shady.
How are you?
Shady : Hello. I am fine.
So, what's going on Shadow?
Shadow : Nothing much, we were just hanging
Wanna join us?
Shady : Oh that'd be so fun!

Days passed and the then unbeatable duo of Bones and Shadow now became a trio of Bones, Shady and Shadow.

Then one day,
Shady : Hey Bones!
Don't you think we have so much in
Bones : Hmm. Yeah.
Shadow : ( Watching them quietly)
Shady : Bones, you can't be sad all the time.
You can't blame yourself for
everything wrong around you.
Bones : Hmmm. Yeah. I know.
Shadow : Hey Bones.
Can we talk?
Bones : Well...I'm a bit busy right now Shadow.
I'll see you later.
Shadow : Oh! Yes! Yes!
That's absolutely fine!
I understand.
We can talk later.
( and she pasted a fake smile and a
fake 'oh-that's-fine' face.)

Days passed and Shadow started keeping herself away from Bones and Shady.
Bones and Shady were slowly getting closer and Shadow kept watching them from a distance.

Bones : I am sorry Shadow.

Shady : So, what's the plan for tomorrow?
Bones : Well.. I am going to see Shadow.
Shady : Oh.
Bones : Yeah.
Last time also we didn't get enough
time to talk.
So, yeah.
Shady : OK.
Then I'll also come with you.
I also want to meet her.
Bones : OK.

A few hours later.

Shadow : So finally I'll see you tomorrow!
After so long Bones!
I'm so excited!
I'm so happy!
Bones : Hmmm. Yeah.
Shadow : What Bones?
Bones : Shadow...
Shady is also coming with me.
Shadow : Oh. OK.
Bones : I told her I'm going to see you...
Shadow : OK.
Bones : And she said that she also wants to
meet you.
Shadow : OK.
Bones : I'm sorry Shadow.
Shadow : Sorry?
For what?
Bones : I know you wanted to meet me alone.
But now...
I'm sorry.
Shadow : Hey! It's alright !
It's no big deal.
Oh come on Bones!
( And she again pasted a fake
happiness and a fake face.)
The next day three of them meet up. Shadow enjoyed things with Shady, but couldn't make straight eye contact with Bones ; she didn't want to.
Now, whenever Shadow plans to meet Bones in alone, Shady always becomes a part of the plan.
So, Shadow stopped hanging out with both of them.
But, Bones was observing everything.

Bones : Don't lie to me Shadow.

Bones : Shadow.
Don't do this.
Shadow : What have I done?
Bones : You know what I'm talking about.
Don't think I'm a fool.
Shadow : No, I don't!
What's going on Bones?
Bones : (sighs)
Don't spoil your bond with Shady
because of me.
Shadow : Hah! What!?
( Taken aback)
Bones : It's nothing like what you think.
Atleast not for the time being.
Shadow : ( Oh nice! 'not for the time being')
Bones : Don't be like this.
Shadow : Look Bones.
It's nothing like that.
Whoever you talk to, whoever you
hangout with, whoever you want to
carry, is none of my business.
I have my own troubles.
And it has nothing to do with you
Bones : Don't lie to me Shadow.

There was silence for a few moments, and then,

Shadow : OK. Fine.
There was a time when I couldn't
stand seeing you with anyone else.
But not now Bones. Not now.
Bones : Why?
What happened now?
Shadow : Nothing Bones.
It's your life. You do whatever you
want to do. Iam no one.
But yeah, I'll be there whenever
you'll need me.
Bones : I need you all the time.
Shadow :......
Shadow : You are out of your mind.
Bones : No, Iam not.

And they stood there in silence, full of sadness.

A few days later,

Shadow : Hey Bones.
Bones : Hey! How are you?
Shadow : I'm fine. You?
Bones : I'm good.
What's up?
Shadow : Well...
I came to say goodbye.
Bones : What!??
(Totally crushed)
Shadow : Yeah.
Bones : But..
Why Shadow?
What happened?
Shadow : I have my own reasons Bones.
Bones : What reasons?
What came up so suddenly?
Shadow : (Looking down all the time)

Shadow : Can I kiss you Bones?

Shadow : There are some reasons Bones.
Bones : Reasons you can't tell even me
Shadow : Hmm.Yeah.
Bones : So..
You mean...
You're leaving.
Shadow : Hmmm.
Bones : You're leaving ME Shadow?
Shadow : .......... (looking down)
Bones : Shadow..
Shadow : I'm sorry Bones.
(with teary eyes)
Bones : Don't....
What am I gonna do now Shadow?
( choking)
Shadow : You'll be fine without me Bones.
Bones : No!
I can't be!
Shadow : ( looks away)
Bones : Tell me Shadow...
Tell me what do I have to do to make
you stay?
I'll do anything, you just tell me!
Shadow : Nothing.
Bones : But WHY?!!!!!
( screaming)
Shadow : Because I don't want to.
And Shadow was just about to leave but Bones holds her hand.
Shadow turns ; tears rolling down.

Bones : .... Please...
( crying)
Shadow : Can I kiss you Bones?
Bones : ........ ( crying)

Shadow goes close to Bones.
And their lips touched into, their first and last, the sweetest and the most bitter, the happiest and the saddest, kiss.
They were feeling the same touch.
They were crying the same tears.

Bones opens his eyes, and it was all dark.
Shadow was gone ; lost in the darkness, from where she had came to him.

They touched, but could never hold each other.
They cried, but could never wipe away each other's tears.
They kissed, but could never become one.

They could never make it to, zero feet apart.


- bani745