

A Lost Little Girl's Smile! chapter twelve
we moved another time cause Kent got a factory job so we moved in closer to town . when Scotty was just ten months old I had an appendicitis attack and ended up having surgery Kent mom came down and took the boys up to Illinois where my family and her took care of them for my six week recovery time . boy I missed my babies . It was a long six weeks that's for sure . even though I talked to them daily . I missed them so much . Finally it was time for them to come home my momma and sister brought them to me my momma gets out of the car and said I'm hungry gotta cook something where's the lard teasing me about living down south I said momma we don't use lard we use crisco lol . My sister went to hand me Scotty he cried I got so up set thought he forgot his momma but nope he just got spoiled to his aunt bouncing and rocking him . We all started noticing this big change in him by the time he was fifteen month he would throw violent tantrums but not realize what he was doing . the doctor gave him ridlin then . But it made home twice as mad . But he constantly had eat infections . Boy did he . he was two when he got his tubes put in after we moved back up north because we just had our third son Michael .
© Little Girl Lost 2020
© Lost Little Girls Smile!