

a love to remember
I never really liked guy's,never had peer's to pressure me to date since 1st grade to seventh grade,i went to a private school called basimu since third grade.i passed with flying colours in my seventh grade examination😍
I again went to junior secondary in grade 8-9,wrote my exams and went into a very big school in Lusaka 😅

I was so lonely in my 10th grade without friends to hang around with or talk to because of my antisocial personality I hated school and every time I went to class I felt like crying Girl's were too girls and was afraid I'd not fit in 😭
my uniform was so long like a tight rug and Girl's made fun behind my back....😭school was hell for me but my only prayer was to finish school and pass then move on to college.....

in grade 11 thing's got better and I had a reason to smile again 😊things changed,i got to make friends and hang with in grade 11 .....I got pretty and every guy was really attractive to my big bright eye's unfortunately was a shy girl.
I had developed some little confidence in myself and the guy I shared a sit with got attracted to me day by day meanwhile I got attracted to this guy named Andrew,he was quiet and handsome despite spending he's time and money on lot's of girls👩 I never associated with..........he was my secret crush Girl's thought I was attracted to Frederick the crazy guy I shared the borack with 👨👩 but I kept it to myself cause they started becoming close to me.i was scared that they would tell him if I told them I liked Andrew and would like to go out with him sometime .
after mom got me a phone,i opened a Facebook account and had lots of friends including all my classmates that's were we started chatting with Andrew he became my closest friends but in person I was scared of looking in he's eye's cause he can notice that I have a crush on him so would get a little bit uncomfortable when I saw him around ladies so would walk away😔. when I got home he made sure he said hi!?to me on Facebook and he developed feelings for me from a distance😍❤️ he proposed and chuffed me on phone and I'd get butterflies in my tummy😍
unfortunately I rejected he's first proposal over the phone on Facebook because I was scared it's not that I never loved him,i did big time.but circumstances at home made me reject him that was in my 12th grade and he continued chatting with me and he couldn't keep he's feelings hidden he told he's Friends in class❤️😍they kept it a secret and I was falling for him day by day .at home I lived with my mom(mother's elder sister) and going out was a taboo home so was scared that if I started dating how will Andrew feel if I kept on making excuses when he asks me out on Saturdays for a movie😭😔
one day when we closed school i wanted to stop crushing on him buh never worked no matter how much I tried I would only fall for him harder❤️

he asked for my calculator that time mom had shouted at me before I went to school and i slept crying was so sad and my eye's got a bit puffy.....we were going on a holiday closing school on our first term and I accidentally left my calculator and started off home .later on I realised I left something behind which could help me solving math during holidays,i had to go back☺️to get it❤️ I told my friend to escort me cause I was shy,he saw me and I politely told him I left my calculator and he gave a sign to his friend cause he was scared telling me how he felt for me❤️ and they told me they were going out for lunch it would be nice if I joined,because mom had shouted me and I was not happy about that I was actually💔😭 heartbroken because my other sister had gone to college and after school was expected to cook food for supper and sweep the house .. .I agreed and gave a condition saying I wanted to get home by 3 in the afternoon and he listened.....he had a plan to propose to me ..... everything went well he told me how he felt❤️ about me and I next day when I went home I gave a positive answer to him not because of he's cash and he's father's property but honestly I was in love with him I had never felt for anyone what I felt....
I had thought he would disappoint me so I wasn't into deep in fear of disappointment.......that same time he wanted to sacrifice coming in my neighbourhood to come see me,i don't have friends in my hood and was scared of mom I made an excuse of going to the tuition centre in order to meet with him and we did he made sacrifice to take me out for lunch I was smitten❤️ and when I got home all I got was shouting and screaming and yelling at me by mother I recall that day well that I didn't even eat 😭my supper I took a shower sad and went to sleep then life went on .... after we opened school when I saw him with he's female friends I got jealous and got sad then I went home sad he also wanted to talk to me buh I went with Elizabeth and Ester my friends I started crying as I layed on my bed thinking he doesn't like me and he was stressed as well and we talked and I apologised but he was hurt seeing me sad that's when the both of us realised that we really needed each other😁❤️
life was hard sometimes we never gave up on each other after we finished school I had no choice buh to go and spend Christmas and new year out of town and we didn't see each other for a month,i can't lie i was so weak and I was sad that we couldn't meet we would communicate,i had no option cause I was being unfair i would always tell him to look for someone better than me cause I felt I wasn't good enough for him😭
after a month before new year I came back and everything was alright he would always invite me to go out swimming buh I didn't I was scared of mom then he went and something happened which broke my heart💔😭
he proposed to my classmates out of pressure from he's friends they thought it was on purpose when I said I wouldn't go out cause I'm not allowed to... and he still loved me❤️ that same week I told him to come around our area and we took a walk,i checked he's pics and I wasn't happy with the pics with other girls and later on he didn't understand me,he told me he wanted to meet me ever week and if I can't manage then we should break up,i just decided to breakup with him not knowing we was dating behind my back....... that same day Frederick inboxed and told me he went on a date with some girl and I got upset he tried talking to me and he convinced me he didn't go on a date and then managed meeting with him and he wanted me to give us a chance to date again then because I still loved❤️ him we got back ....... and next day morning a girl inboxed me on Facebook telling me my guy is dating someone else I was hear broken we shared our accounts and he saw and later on he cause me crying to forgive him he said he was pressured by fellow peers when they went swimming ......he tried hard to convince me and told me he loved me deeply❤️ later on we got back and we still love each other and share a love which is unforgettable we fight buh we do love each other❤️😍