

Winter In Paris part 3
It's Sarah's best friend. I think her name is Nina. Suddenly someone rush into Sarah's ward room. It's a girl.

"Are you Sarah's friend?"
I asked her. Just for make sure it's really her.
"Yes, I'm her best friend, Nina and you are…"
"I'm her boyfriend. I'm Aiden Green."
"Oh my God! What happened to her?"
"She's in coma. The nurse said that she is extremely tired. She said nothing critical about it."
"Thank you for caring her. It's Aiden right?"
"Yes. Have you told her parents about this?"
"Yes they from Vegas, so it's take time to arrive here."

Nina's POV…

This is the hot neighbor she told me!!?? He's hot. She's very lucky to get him.
I am very sorry to Sarah. She's laying on the bed almost lifeless. I don't know what her boyfriend feels now. It's must be hurting him so much. His eyes are swollen maybe because crying so much. Maybe I should talk to him. I hope it will comfort him.

"I'm Nina Walker. Sarah's best friend."
"I'm Aiden Green. Sarah's boyfriend."
"That's great! We are very special to Sarah. She must be love you very much."
I'm trying to comfort him.
"Miss Walker,…"
"Just call me Nina."
"Nina, how do you met Sarah?"
"Well, the story just like this. I was the most popular girl in highschool. Then, I saw a bunch of girls circling around someone and the person is Sarah. I told them to stay away from her. Since of that, I always protect her and she being famous with me. No one dare to touch her after I am friends with her."
"That's a good story."

"So..how do you met Sarah? I never heard about that from her."
"I was going to get a cup of coffee at the lobby. I want to get place to sit but every table is full except a table in the corner. The place that I met Sarah. She is very cute. I fell for her even from the first sight. So I asked her if I can sit with her. I interducing myself to her. She told me that her name is Sarah Benjamin. It's a such beautiful name I ever heard. I invite her for a dinner at my apartment. She's agreed. Before she go, I called her cutie because of her cuteness. So that's is how I met her."

"It's so beautiful.."
My stomach's sounds. I didn't ate anything before coming here. I am starving!!!
"Here, you can take my soup. I can see you're hungry."

He give me a bowl of mushroom soup. I take it from him and eat it instead. I even don't thank him before start eating. The bowl is empty. I look at him.

"Hehe.. thank you for the soup. I didn't eat anything before coming here."
"It's okay."

(Le temps des visites est terminé. J'espère que tous les visiteurs reviendront un jour. Je vous remercie.)(Visiting time is over. I hope all the visitors come again someday. Thank you.)

"I guess I should go now. It's nice to know you. I will visit her tomorrow with her parents."

Aiden's POV…

"Her parents…"

Chapter 19

The next day…

"You have visitors."
Said the nurse. I stand up as I saw a pair of husband and wife getting into the room.
"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin.. It really nice to…"
"It's Stone."
"We are Mr. and Mrs. Stone. We are not Sarah's real parents. We're adopted her."
I don't know that she is an orphan.
"And you must be Sarah's boyfriend right?"
"Yes, I'm Aiden Green."
"Thank you for take care of her. Even she is not our child, we love her so much."
"No problem."
"We heard you already met Nina."
"Yes, she come to visit her yesterday."
"Nina is a very nice girl. Even she is famous in high school, she protect Sarah from any danger. We are always welcome her to our house and celebrate many celebration."
"She is very nice."

I am very sorry for her. She's an orphan. She don't have a real family, no siblings, she just have us.

"Are you okay sweet heart? You look tired."
Mrs Stone ask me. She also called me sweet heart. Well.. I didn't sleep last night taking care of Sarah.

"I'm okay. I just don't get rest."
"We can take care of her you can…"
"No. I can take care of her."
"If you say so.."
She give me some money. For what?
"It's for your lunch and dinner. Visiting time today only till 12 in the afternoon. I think we should go."
"It's fine. Thank you for visiting us. It's nice to meet you."
"You too."

They go out from the room. Sarah is lucky to have them. They are very nice.

Chapter 20

Two months and a week has past. There's a week before winter. I just get out from the hospital for take a shower and get dressed. I also bought food for myself to eat or I will hunger to deaths.

The room always get visitors everyday. When there is no passengers, what I can hear is the heart monitor. Listening her heart still beating but she is laying like already dead.

It's 7. 56 in the morning. Visiting time is going to start. I sit next to the bed watching her still laying on it.

"Sarah, I know you can't hear me but I want you to know winter will be in another week. I hope you awake before winter. I am waiting for you every day hoping you will wake up. Everyone is worry about you. I-I really love you Sarah. Please don't leave me. I want to walk with you, talk with you stay with you…"
I'm crying on her holding her hands.

"You really love me, don't you?"
A voice that make me very surprised. Is it?..
"Sarah?! You awake!"
I hug her so tight want her to know that I am happy.
"Yes, I'm here!"

Her parents and her friend come into the room seeing her already awake.
"Okay, stop the drama. Call the nurse and get me me out of here."
She said.

Sarah's POV…

A doctor come into my room to check me up.
"Can you walk?"
The doctor ask.
"I don't know but I can try."
I stand up out off the bed and take a few steps forward.
"Very interesting…"
"What's wrong?"
"Usually, a per son just awake from a come take hours for take a step but she just walk like that."
Spoil alert!!
"Umm.. actually I am awake at three in the morning. I just want to hear they talking about me. Hehe.."
"That's making sense."
"You little liar…"
Aiden said to me instead kissing my forehead.
"So.. can she go home today?"
My parents ask the doctor. Please say yes…
"Of course, she is as healthy as a horse. Just sign a few documents, pay the hospital bill and she can enjoy her life."
"Thank you doctor."
My parent thanked the doctor. I can't believe I slept for two months!!!!

Chapter 21

"So.. how much is the bill?"
I ask my parents. Of course I don't want they paying it.
"It's 2306.06 euro."
"I can pay it."
"Don't worry Aiden already paid it for you. Using check."
My mother whispered. Is she serious?! Check?! How?!
"I don't understand."
"Can I talk with her? Alone?"
Aiden ask my parents. What is the important thing he want to talk to me till my parents can't know about it?!
"So what are want to talk with me?"
"I know you must be shock I paid the hospital bill. You already know that I work as a waiter in a restaurant but you don't know that I am also a billionaire like you."
"Well, I am the first child in the family. After my parents passed away, I got one of my father biggest company that is named Golden Heart."
"Golden Heart?! The biggest medical company?!"
"Yes, that one. I suprised you know about it."

"How can I not be know about it?"
"Sorry I didn't tell you before."
"Don't worry. You can atone for your mistakes with a kiss."
"Sure, why not?"

His face is very near to mine. I can feel his hot breathe. Only a few seconds later, out lips connected. It's a lovely kiss even it's not my first one

Chapter 22

"You look like you enjoyed it. Is it your first kiss?"
"So who is your first kiss?"
"It's you."
"You kissed me without you realise. You're drunk that time."
I tell him about the incident at dinner at his place.
"Really?! I'm so sorry to hear that."
"Because your first kiss is not the best kiss you ever had."
"Can I go to the Cafe?"
"Sure, here I got your dress and coat. Go get dressed. I wait for you."
I nodded and go to the labour room in the hospital.
I put on my clothes and go out from that labour room. The room is quiet scary because it is big.

"I'm done. Let's go! I didn't have coffee for two months and winter is almost here!!!"
"Wait a second."
I look at him. He show my pink skraf and purple glove. I smile and go to him. I just want to take it from his hands but he give me a signal for me to sit down. I just obey him and he wears my skraf on my neck. He also wears my gloves on my hands and the ring outside of the glove. It's really beautiful as I didn't see it for a very long time. I stand up and he hold my hand stoping my steps.

"Can I get a kiss on my cheek for my kindness?"
He ask. My face is burning cause of blushes.
"It's not my request, but why not?"
He bend down and look to the right. I gave him a simple kiss on his cheek then he hold my hand just like the way we walk together.

"I want hot mocha and hot chocolate please."
I ordered at the counter. There's only few people there. I just look around and I'm surprised! It's my childhood friend, Samuel! We're best friends in kindergarten.

"Is that you Sarah?! Oh my God! Long time no see!"
"You too."
We're hugged each other.
"So where do you live?"
I asked him. Not sure if he lives in Paris or just traveling.
"I just traveling. You know my dream is traveling the world."
"I know that. Hey, I have to go. My boyfriend is waiting for me."
I just take one step and he stop me.
"Can I have your number? Since you already have a phone."
Of course I have a phone. He is from the rich family so he already has a phone when we're kindergarten.
"Sure, it's xxx xxxx xxxx."
He went away I straight go to my table. Aiden make his suspicious face.
"Who is he?"
He ask me.
"He's my childhood friend. What's wrong? Are you jea…"
"What?! No I'm not. I'm just worry."
"Worry loosing me?"
"Worry about you would be kidnapped."
Is that so….
"Who's little liar now?"
I giggled at him. He just smile at me shaking his head slowly.
"Don't worry, I love you and I will never leave you alone."
I said to him.

Yeah, he's jealous.