

Child Students Talk
“You are just kids,you don't have anything to worry.”
This is the most common sentence almost every child hears,but it's not that true.Is it? Children do have a difficult life.
In the race of life,Alice was one of them.Class topper and teachers favourite. Waking up at 5 in the morning, studying, going to school,then tuition classes,then again self study,only this much was there in her life.
On the other hand there was Abner, can't study even when hundreds of people running after him with books.He loves music and walks in his own rhythm.

Aaric was not behind, loves to study but no in the way his parents wants him to study.Just study the whole day.

In the race, where every parent want there children to be in first position of challenge,will the children will survive till the end.
To be continued..
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