

Débil Chapter: 1 'Unaccepted'
An orange lion cub named Niro was just born while another was shortly born after. The second was a black coloured lioness which they usually named Keya. Who came last was a yellow cub. They had been born from an orange lioness named Nzuri who had beautiful green eyes and a gorgeous smile as she looked at her cubs. She began cleaning and cuddling the youngest when a black coloured lion named Kiburi with scars on his right arm walked from behind Nzuri and lovingly licked her face before looking down to greet their cubs, at first not noticing a yellow cub hiding in between his mate’s paws. He saw an orange and a black one then paused when he saw a tiny yellow cub. He growled as it seemed like a different kind of lion, a lion that did not belong in the Outsiders land.

“What in the world is that?” he asked, staring disgusted by the sight of the cub. Nzuri looked around with the look of panic afraid other lions would hear and grabbed hold of the yellow cub by the scruff and gently placed him down next to the siblings. She lifted her head facing Kiburi and stood up trying to make herself look tall.
“He’s our son, Kiburi.” Nzuri looked into her mate’s eyes, speaking calmly and sternly trying not to make him think of her as worthless and thinking about backing down like the many times she had before.
“It doesn’t even look like us, like it’s not even part of our family,” Kiburi continued. Nzuri glared at him in disbelief and looked back down at the yellow cub lying next to Niro and Keya. She flinched as Kiburi went on, his clear loud roar of indignation caused her to jump. “Such a worthless thing!” Kiburi sighed, shaking his head. Her ears drooped, feeling hurt and annoyed about how her mate was talking about the yellow cub.
“You know, if you don’t respect your newborn son for who he is, then it surely was a bad idea to be together! It was a mistake from the start being with you ever since we were banished from the Pride Lands,” Nzuri showed her teeth and growled.

“Oh. Well, if this is how it’s gonna be, then I’m leaving and taking Débil.” Kiburi walked to the yellow cub, causing Débil to wince as he picked him up and held him in his jaws.

“Débil?!” What kind of name is that?” roared Nzuri as she ran to Kiburi, about to hit him. Kiburi dropped Débil and stood on his hind legs, grabbing hold of her and attacking by biting the back of her neck and flinging her to the side. Nzuri roared in pain and fell on her side watching as Kiburi picked Débil back up and headed towards the exit of the cave, glancing back at her with aggression.
“It is this despicable cub's name, whether it be Débil or this thing shall never exist!” Nzuri bowed her head and closed her eyes defeatedly with two of her cubs looking up at her in concern. She lightly grabbed her two oldest by the scruff and cuddled them in her arms while Kiburi walked off holding the yellow cub, heading towards the Pride Lands, and placing Débil down on the live grass in front of the rock. Simba had scented new lions on their territory and looked down from Pride rock, noticing the new Outsiders, he roared and ran off the rock towards them.
“What are you doing here?” he spoke sharply as their eyes met.
“Oh, Simba, there’s nothing to worry about. I just brought back one of your cubs. I guess somehow he ended up in our litter,” Kiburi replied, staring at Simba with his grumpy old eyes. Simba looked down at Débil who looked up at him back then back up at Kiburi.
“This cub doesn’t belong to us, you must be mistaken for someone else's cub. We already knew about you lions. Your dangerous Outsiders are a threat to our society, we’ve banished you from our Pride. Now it’s time for you to leave and never return.” Simba glanced back down at Débil again before turning away and climbing back onto Pride rock. Kiburi backed away, surprised by some thought that maybe Nzuri had this cub with another lion in the Pride Lands. That thought made him wonder, made him feel hurt that she’d do such a thing.

“Simba!” he shouted, running back towards the rock, leaving the yellow cub behind, lionesses growling blocking him from coming any closer. Simba turned to face Kiburi again. “Simba, in my honour once, may I talk to somebody from here for the last time only…?” Simba turned back, letting out a sigh of annoyance, but nodded, allowing him to climb up one last time to see Kinga, a yellowish lion with dark brown eyes laying down with a pale elderly lioness beside him. Kiburi grabbed Débil and walked up to Pride rock as untrusting eyes followed him. Kinga looked up at Kiburi, his brown eyes glowing in the light making his eyes look lighter. Kiburi carelessly dropped Débil in front of him.
“Just great! It is an honour to see you again,” Kiburi stared down at him, raising his nose in a disrespectful manner. Kinga flinched as he saw him and stood up.
“Whoever brought you back here?” Kinga roared with a bit of fear heard in his tone while stepping in front of the pale brown lioness to protect her.
“No need for that,” Kiburi shook his head impatiently. “Listen, I found this cub in our cave. I’m just concerned because we’ve never seen this weird kind of creature in our home before. Don’t tell me that this thing isn’t yours because it looks exactly like you, except for the brown paws.” Kiburi pushed the yellow cub towards him with his back leg, causing Débil to fall forward right on his face. Kinga sighed and looked down at the young cub. Débil looked back, making Kinga let out a nervous chuckle as he brought his face close to Débil’s.
“Hi, heh…” he spoke gently, beaming which quickly went away as he flinched from Kiburi impatiently clearing his throat making him break contact with the young cubs eyes. Kiburi glared down at Kinga in disgust by showing affection to the young by just the way he looked at him causing Kinga to slowly back up and sigh, lowering his head in fear of the Outsider. “Alright, Kiburi. I haven’t seen this cub before. Why don’t you take care of it? It doesn’t look like it belongs to us. If it was in your cave, then it must be yours.”
“Just take it, Kinga!” Kiburi roared angrily about to pounce but knew of the consequences of doing so as many lionesses surrounded.
“Goodbye, have a great life, Kiburi.” Kinga said as he gestured with his paw, telling Kiburi and the cub to leave. Kiburi growled and roughly grabbed Débil with his jaws, walking back into the Outlands, finding a cave and placing Débil down.
“I’m stuck with you now, aren’t I?” he said, questioning the cub. “Oh, Débil, I’m sure they would’ve brought you in if they really did care for you. Sure do hope you become a strong brave lion one day, but I doubt it because I named you what you are,” he snarled.

Waiting until nightfall, he left Débil in the cave and came back with Niro and Keya, giving them both some meat from an antelope, not forgetting about feeding Débil as he looked down at him before giving him a bone with so little meat attached to it. Kiburi clearly didn’t care about Débil. He didn’t like how he looked and who he was. Niro, Keya and Kiburi ate but also didn’t finish the whole thing. Keya, as sweet as she was, grabbed some meat from the antelope and secretly gave some to Débil once their brother and Kiburi fell asleep. She loved Débil. She always watched over him even though she wasn’t able to speak. When Débil was doing something that Kiburi didn't like or wasn't supposed to do, she did something about it and sometimes Kiburi would take care of it in his own painful wise-ways. Keya saw everything, heard everything, and felt everything. She would have stood up to Kiburi but was too afraid that he would hurt her like he had hurt Débil. Niro on the other paw, was a rough spoiled cub. He picked on Débil and sometimes he would pick on her. It also hurt her dearly to see father pay more attention to him than Débil, having to comfort the young yellow cub while he watched from afar in the cave. Kiburi was always kind to Niro and always treated him with the utmost respect Pride Landers treated each other. Such love, such pride, such believing. Kiburi always taught him to be strong and to be his best, asking Niro to follow him, teaching him what his father had taught him how to hunt on his own and how to fight. Niro was always Kiburi's favourite, ever since he saw him for the first time around his birth. When Débil got older, he was always known as being different. The weird one, the weakling. That's how and what other cubs thought of him. You'd think once your older sibling is old enough, they'd stop acting like a spoiled rhino and help around the place and quit picking on his true blood. Niro always laid around like an ordinary lazy lion could be and always hung out with his lion friends. Who would ever trust a lazy, spoiled lion that still takes all the love and support other lions deserve but some never get it? What would be the point of trying to get love and attention when the top lion gets it all?

Débil took a breath and smiled up at the blood coloured sky as the sun began to set. He slowly walked out of the cave towards the cubs that were play-fighting and sat down in front of them.
"Hey, can I play too?" he asked as they turned and stared at him then giggled, whispering to each other. A cub named Gibran walked through the group and stood in front of Débil, looking at him from top to bottom.
"Who would ever want to play with a weakling? And besides, I don't think you can take it," the cub smiled.
"Well, of course I can," Débil stood up, sitting tall and lifting his head, "why wouldn't I be able-" just then Gibran pounced on Débil, pressing his head down on the dead dirty ground. Débil struggled to get up and tried kicking him off but he was too strong.
"HEY Débil! If that is even your name, prove to us that you belong here!" Débil whimpered, flailing his paws around, trying to push him off. "What kind of name is Débil anyway? Why did your parents name you that? Really shows how much they loved you," he laughed, seeing as he was gaining more attention from other cubs which eventually led to them joining in, possibly in fear of getting picked on themselves. It was also common to see cubs and grown lions fight. It was always known as one lion for themselves in the Outlands.
"Get up, Débil! You are not a weakling, are you?" the cubs shouted. "Haha! Look at this wimp! He can't even defeat a cub his size!" a brown cub blurted.
"Can't get up?" Gibran whispered as Débil let out constant whimpers while being paralyzed to the ground in embarrassment. "You're just like a Pride Lander. Your father was right about you, ha-ha-ha-ha!"
"Stop!" Débil cried and slapped Gibran's face, causing his head to sway to the side. Débil got up and began to run but Gibran growled and followed, jumping in front of Débil and quickly pinning him down again.
"Aaah!" Débil struggled as Gibran pressed down on his head again, making his face plant into the brown rocky dirt.
"I know! You started to run but didn't turn. I turned and you didn't. You should have turned so you could have gotten away. Even if you did get away, I would always find a way to-" Kiburi would always be watching Débil get picked on by other cubs. He shook his head displeased then got up off the ground and roared at the cubs, swatting at them with one of his large paws.
"Get away from him! That's enough fooling around. All of you, go back to where you came from! I've had enough of this, Débil!" Débil yelped as Kiburi grabbed him by the tail with his mouth and dragged him to their cave, finally letting go and fiercely glaring back at him. "Stand up, foolish cub. It's about time you learn to fight. Up, now!" Kiburi bit him by the scruff and flung him towards the den, "FIGHT!" Débil groaned, hitting the wall of the cave and trembled as he tried to successfully get up off the ground, slowly looking up at the coal coloured lion with scared eyes as Kiburi growled and began walking towards him. "You're a pathetic mess, you know that?"
"Ye-yes, sir," Débil nodded, cowering facing the ground, glancing up at him. Kiburi roared, lifting him up by his tail with his paw.
"You listen now and you listen well. You're a plain old nobody. None of us would ever want you. Not even Simba wanted you, what do you think that makes you?"
"E-exactly what you said, s-sir. A... a nobody." Kiburi dropped him and walked off, looking back at him before stalking into the cave. Débil sobbed with his head down on his paws, glaring up at the big blueish black sky and sat up.
"I've heard the kings of the past are up there, now I don't think I'm so sure," Débil said, talking to himself pathetically as it seemed from others, "you were never there for me. I don't think all these stories of you that I believed were true. You never proved anything to me. You make me feel like I'm nobody. Even my father doesn't believe in such things as you." Débil got up and sniffled, walking into the cave looking down the whole time. Braving a glance up, he saw Niro, Keya, and Kiburi laying down together further away from him. He sighed and laid down on a cold rock facing outside and glared at the moon until he fell asleep.

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