

what if - 6

© bunny
After 2 years.
Rohan and Ragini were sitting in a cafe. One of the waitress asked ragini " Ma'am as you are only two person and there are four so if you don't mind can I take this two chairs from here. As they have only two chairs. " Ragini was about to blast on the lady but Rohan took over her and calmly told her " we are waiting for our friend. So you try to adjust from somewhere else. " waitress left without uttering Single word.
" I don't know what kind of attitude they have. I asked you not to come here but you never listen. I hate this place" said ragini in bitter tone as she doesn't like to adjust.
" it's okay. It's been a long time. So have some patience."
" Look who came". Ragini said cheerfully and bounced over to give a hug.
She was about to trip and fall but strong muscular hand saved her by holding her shoulder and back.
" OMG who look fab, you have changed a lot. First you were smart and handsome but now you turned into hotter, look at you ;you are totally hottie" said ragini winking at the person.
" you have really changed a lot. Come and take a seat." said Rohan.
"Hmm" said Arjun without showing any kind of emotions.
Arjun was about move his chair but he heard some girls were teasing him. They tried grab his attention by flaunting near Arjun. Ragini and Rohan was shocked after seeing this kind of behavior. They have no idea what it is going to come now. They were about stop those girls but arjun stopped them and asked them to ignore them. As he doesn't care about the trash behaviour.
" How are you two. I don't have much time. So tell me why have you called me here" said arjun
"it's been a long time we haven't met so I thought we can..hmm. You know..." said ragini
Arjun was about to speak suddenly one of the girl dropped a bit in which her phone number was written. This time Arjun lost completely. His patience was tested beyond the level. He pushed that girl on the floor. Rohan tried to stop arjun and Ragini tried to help that girl.
" what the hell man, what do you think about yourself there are many guys in the world who wanted to be with me. But you dare to ignore me. There many guys who run around me just to hear hello from me" girl shouted.
Arjun barked on her " listen carefully and I don't like to repeat myself I am not that guy who run around the plastic beauty. I am not the person who you can be treated like a dog and I am not a toy as you wish to play or just throw away whenever you want . So, for your betterment and safety stay away or it won't be good. Don't think if you are girl you can do whatever you like. I am not a easy going guy so, better back off".
Some of the people asked that girl to leave as everyone has witnessed what she was doing. She left in rage.
" calm down arjun. She is just a teenager " said Ragini.
" so what you want me to do about it " said arjun.
" Don't be like this. Try to handle your anger" pleaded Rohan.
" please try to forget the past we know what you are going through. Infact it's not easy for us" said Ragini.
"will everything will become normal, can you rewind the time, can you bring back my happiness.. Tell me.. Tell me.. NO you can't. You have no idea what I am going through." Arjun was about to burst.
In past two years arjun has became cold as ice . He had no emotions and feelings for anyone. His heart becam hard as rock. He has completely isolated himself. He doesn't care about the people around him Infact he has stopped taking care of himself. He was not the same person. He even lost himself.
Ragini begin to cry she requested arjun to forgive her as she is reason behind all this. She has put arjun in this miserable situation. Rohan tries to calm her. But she couldn't.

© bunny