

Meaningful smile
A girl named sangeetha who is an unemployed girl for 3 years. whenever people in her surroundings questions her like "what job are you doing?". She will reply "I'm unemployed". Immediately after hearing this, some people gives advices, some people speaks Ill at her back, even some people break her and pull her and her parents down through words.

since she is unemployed even her one side boyfriend feels it's better that i avoided her in advance and gets married to another girl who is well employed. Of all these happenings, she will give a painful smile and she pretends to be unbreakable one

Looking all these things, her nephew questions her that what could make you smile even at this situation. she replied "
people around you will speak ill at the back when you are down and speak well at your front when they can't reach your height. It's better to give a smile rather than answering the person accordingly"."Also my smile doesn't mean that I'm not worried or I don't care, it always means soon will make you speak well about me in front".

Smile is the beautiful weapon especially when people pull you down and its time for you to rise up...

© san