

The Uninvited Night

I had some notions of trouble from the evening while we were heading towards Dehradun after an adventureous picnic. You know sometimes we just sense an upcoming trouble.I had already warned the driver about the risk involved with his last shortcut through a remote jungle but unfortunately sometimes we agree by ignoring all the possible threats just because we want to reach quickly. As the evening approched the sky turned pink then grey and finally black. The intensity of the black turned darker . The visibility was so blurry as if the driver was guessing the stretch of the road. The road was empty as if someone is on this road after years. There were three of us in the car- my colleague Indrani and I along with the driver . I closed my eyes and started begging to Lord Ganesha for our secure journey and meanwhile Indrani screamed in panick " Tree !!! Tree!!! Tree !! Watch out!" When I opened my eyes it was almost about to hit a huge tree which was there right on the middle of the road. " Awwwwww!" , Indrani & I screamed as if the last scream of our lives .The car banged on the tree in no time . "We were still alive ! How come they can keep a huge tree in the middle of a road?" , I became panick stricken. There was a thunder that passed through our nerves and we were shivering. Things became worse when the driver told us the engine failed to start.

It was 11.45pm in the night and no spot of light was visible. The only thing that could hear us was some fireflies which glew in a distance. It was absolute silence there . The dry leaves rustled as we moved towards the jungle in search of a shelter. We rubbed our hands in the cold night as we didn't carry any heavy woolens for midnight exposure in a wintry night. After a walk of about 500 meter we found an abandoned tin shade which was badly damaged. At that time the broken shade was worth a five star hotel room . We didn't even feel hungry because of stress. Finally after some two hours the driver was able to do some temporary fixing and surprisingly the engine started. We couldn't believe the deadly problem was no more there. In no time we got into the damaged car and finally it started and never stopped till we reached Dehradun. I will never forget that night when we were struggling to get a chance to live. I learnt to appreciate life all the time. We value something when the thing is at stake. Life is precious! Don't die before you are dead!