

GAME OF TIME : I dare you can't win!
The written story is totally based on fiction and little bit physics, it's first chapter is not so complex,but it's upcoming chapter is full of complexity so to understand this whole story you might have a deep imagination other wise you will lose the game of time,if you don't understand any fact under this story then comment me I will definitely clear it out, to write, it took a lot of time, creativity and imaginations,so stay chill and let's play!!


2090, 21st January, INDIA,
after the WORLD WAR III (2052),
a meeting is going on at the stage of S.T.A.R.S.(space-time analysis and research sector) keeping the centre of attention Professor Aditya Malhotra, who was being respected as the "God of Space-time" because, his invention of the algorithms to create a five dimentional house "he call it as GOD'S PALACE" due which he can link himself virtually into anyplace at any present time viewing the reality and no one can't sense his presence.
Now he stepping back to his real home after spending a ten-year inside the PALACE to outloud the feedback about his own creation!!!
His invention made the lines of myth comes true "God exist everywhere"..!!!

S.T.A.R.S. is owned by Dr.Dinesh Dubey, who once dreamed to create his own private sector, where the brains work on dealing the concept of traveling multiple times, and the existence of multiverse.And now due the discovery of 5-D, he is counting on the professor, hoping that his dreams will come true soon!!
As per the meeting is going on, Dr Dubey welcomed Professor Malhotra and offer him to share the stage with the audience..

Professor's speech;
Good eve 2090,
("the world is about to fall,
then what is about to raise")
So, what did I miss??? Nothing!!
what did I achieve?? treasure!!
what did I loss ?? contact!!
I travelled the whole sphere, visited each soil,but can't have any memory to keep but have a lot of visualisation to memorize.
I memorize,that the future is uncertain, uncertainty creates imaginations and imagination doesn't exist and those which doesn't exist then make it exist!!!
Our each step decides our upcoming destiny but let our destiny decide what step we have to take to take it!!!!
people dying because they don't know what are the conclusions of their choices ,then let them percive the concequences first they will stop making wrong choices!!!

reporter 1 : (raising hand) asked
" sir is your motive is about to change the future???
Professor : ( glanced) No,my brother!!future can't be changed but it can be better!!,our each decision has different future,or I can say there are many possibilities for a specific decision for a single situation!!"what I mean is let's bring our better future"!!!!!!
reporter 2 : sir,what is making you to stop over as a young person,even after a decade you have the same charisma!!! Is it about that biology doesn't works at 5-D???
Professor : (clapped at the question) my friend!! science is not a rule,it's a process and a procedure doesn't gives multiple products, each ending has it's own method and as about my charisma...I spent a decade alone with space and time and they functions relatively, and relativity varies from person to person, inside the "hole of universe" the existence of 5-D occurs,where time stops and biology needs time to express, but the time itself get freeze so life stays at rest!!!
........ extreme clapping!!
audience is in chaos and one of them is a 19 year youth listening his old man's words and is getting into it's near future and aiming to change the history!!.. it's Vidyut Malhotra (VID)

( running foot steps),the lecture is going on at S.T.A.R.S. (sector 3) ,(classroom door opens)," "May I get in professor"
Professor Bose; Oh damn!!!(in anger) (shouted loud) Mr.Malhotra do you know what the ticking clock saying??
VID; that I am late!!!
...(class laughed)
Professor Bose then asked VID to take his seat!!!
VID is being the mystery guy of his batch, everyone is familiar about his behaviour but still they think that he is being like an "Jumbo" having a type of enamel to show-off and another type to eat!!!! even his love
Kiara Kulkarni (kk) can't say anything specific about him except the
Day by day, his knowledge on astrophysics increasing exponentially, that making him untouchable"!!
VID is being very much anxious about to fulfill his Papa's dream that he have pronounced 5 years ago at the welcoming event of S.T.A.R.S. which is about to make a better future!!!


A farewell party for the "last years" is organised and the night is full of lights, glamorour,music and drinks, everyone is in a state of joy, and taking the advantage of the mood Dr.Dinesh announced,
"hello S.T.A.R.S, on this chance I wanna to declare that a new house ( sector-47) is constructed, which is now going to be controlled by Professor Aditya,where a new unit will get introduced, which will cope him in his studies,and those new crews are, Ayush, Priyank,Sweta,Viraj, Rasmita,Omkar,Kapil,Vidyut,Kiara, and Sidharth
........... congrats to all and keep moving into your life!

after finals...


Professor : hello fellow's,
("the world is about to fall,
then what is about to raise")
So,we are here united like a soccer team, so we have to maintain a strategy, we have to get split up into
groups to save time and to work
Omkar : (raising hand) but sir against
whom we are playing??
Professor : Time!!!! our mission is to make sure about the time travel and to find the co-ordinates of multiple earth of different dimension of different time.
Vidyut; then what will it leads to??
professor; conquering the future!!!
So let's split up!!
1) Vidyut and Omkar will work on
forward (finding the algorithms)
2) Ayush, Priyank,Kiara,and Kapil
will work on Mid (co-ordinates)
3) Sidharth, Rasmita,Viraj and Sweta
will be at defence line (make
Vidyut: and you professor???
Professor; I am the keeper!!! I will show up at the time of loss,I am there to save!!
(near the PALACE)
Vidyut : (with tears) where are you going papa??
Professor : to stop my time! Son!!
Vidyut : don't leave me alone!! again!!
Professor : loneliness is due my physical presence,am always with you son!!
( professor stepped inside),


(2-years before the trial),a meteor took it's place at the east-coast of Odisha and Rasmita and Viraj were sent for the survey along with eight scientists from ISHRO,
Rasmita : ohh my god!!! Are you
kidding me!!
Viraj : what happened??
Rasmita : it's quite impossible,this is so huge!! according to it's size the calculated destruction must be high!!
Viraj : I guess so...but what is it??
Scientist 1; may be white kryptonite!!(other scientist laughed)
Viraj : Are you from DC!!!
Scientist 1 : I am from my Delhi!!
Viraj : listen man, that white thing is the ice, which means,that thing is getting cooled so fast, which seems that it have an high heat absorbing capacity.
(Rasmita getting her steps close to meteor with a hammer )
with the hammer she successfully detached the main body from the ice and it's a golden arora is coming from it...
Rasmita : Viraj, will you took a look over here!!
Viraj : copy!!
Scientist 1 : (viewing the golden arora)"ohh my God " it's the golden kryptonite!!
Viraj : (using a magnifier) EUREKA!!
Rasmita : what happened!!
Viraj : it's Zorbium!! a radioactive metal, myth also explained about its existence!! This metal is the "God's gift".
Rasmita : but what will it do??
Viraj : it's a highly radioactive metal which have high frequency with maximum wavelength with a little amplitude, which states that this a good fuel and due heat resistance it will protect the metal from mechanical friction!!
Rasmita ; don't tell me that what am thinking you are thinking of the same!!

( situation of team two)
Kapil : (with frustration)this damn co-ordinates are crossing my heads.
Priyank : (with anger)will you stop shouting,am working here!!
Kapil : Am watching your work since many months!!
Ayush : stop guys, let's take a break!!later we will analyse it one by one from the beginning!!
Kiara : wait, what did you say???one by one from beginning!!!
Ayush : do I sound wrong!!!
Kiara : you sounds great!!! I got it!!
Priyank : what are you talking about!!???
Kiara : I got the way to co-ordinates!!
Kapil : how??
Kiara : listen, it's the basics, we know that "twicing the structure of any considered dimension can leads to it's upcoming dimension" and if we relate the considered base one with its successor then we can get the position of earth easily at any dimension!!

(at the same moment Viraj came with running breathe)
Viraj : (to team two) guys I wanna to show something!!

(Rasmita went to inform team one)
Rasmita : ( find that Vidyut and Omkar taking a nap) hey guys wake up,we found something!
Vidyut : no time for joke "Rasmi"
Rasmita : common everyone is waiting for you both, let's go!!
Omkar : Vid!! I think she is serious!!
Vidyut : okay let's go!!
(all the ten united and Viraj showed everyone the piece of Zorbium and also explained about it's unique properties,)
Priyank : it seems everybody got the solution!!
Kiara : (to team one) do you guys get your algorithms??
Omkar : (glanced) a night before!!
Vidyut : then what are we waiting for!!
let's begin!!


(year 3000),
(few hours before the trial, the Professor returned and as usual the press are always at the doors of S.T.A.R.S)
reporter 3 : Professor,we heard that the ongoing research can change the future!! what do you wanna to say on that??
Professor : you are wrong!! this experiment is the future!!!
(Mechanical sounds are going,all ten are working)
(Professor entered to the lab)
Professor : (the world is about to fall
then what is about to raise)
All Nine : (with smile) Professor!!
Vidyut : (in happy)Papa!!
Professor : the time is running!! are you all ready to chase !!!!
All Ten : yes sir!!
(Vidyut is getting ready with the suite to take the ride)
(mechanical sounds)
Vidyut : (looking towards his dad) it's my turn papa!!
Professor : bring it son!!
Kiara : (to Vidyut) I will wait for you!!
Vidyut : coming back in 60!!
(Vidyut stepped into the ship)
Sidharth : engine check!!
Sweta : power check!!
(engine running)
Vidyut : co-ordinates and time set!!!
(Kiara pressed the lever and the Game of time begins)
the CORVETTE (the traveling device) attains it's light speed inside container and Vidyut entered into a void, whose timeline is a decade forward from the present!!
Vidyut was expecting that, after a decade earth may looks great,the people were living a better life by discovery of better science, technology, opinions, ideology..etc.
His expectations giving him a positive vibe...but it's the nature's law "expectation always breaks).
When he opened his eyes into future he found himself at his home!!
Looking forward to the walls,the frame of his heavenly Mother, some family pics and some new awards suddenly an explosion happens!!
Vidyut : (shouted)what the hell is going on!!
He stepped out of the home and got big eyes!!
It seems like world war IV has taken it's place which is 4-5 times more devastating than world war III..!!
(his expectations are left expected)
All of sudden his vision caught a family who were running for lives,they are being chased by 4 cyborgs, as per the cyborgs are so fast they caught the family and pointed their bullets towards them!! Vidyut was extremely shocked at that scene,(suspensive background) when the cyborgs are about to trigger their machines instantly a man appeared from nowhere,he just touched the cyborgs and they all get their batteries down,the family got saved,and within a twinkle of eye that man disappeared!!
Vidyut's mind is running with so much questions!!The thing that surprised him the most was that stranger guy and how he drained the battery of those cyborgs with just a touch!!
He thinks that S.T.A.R.S. might all the answers, so he moved and again his expectations gone wrong, the whole building,the labs,the treasures, all been ruined away,only thing left is the memories,then he looked upon his father's palace but time has changed everything. He stepped towards exit and found something horrible, he get the sculpture of his own and it's written that "since 2071-3000",next to it is Kiara's and then all ten's,but more horrible to that is there is no existence of any sculpture of "Professor Aditya" . All these stuffs created such a kind of anxiety attack to him, he fainted!!
(Vidyut got his sence and waked up)
Vidyut : (muttering)Where am I ?
an dual voice from dark said "you are safe Kid!!
Vidyut : Who, I mean where are you??
The Voice : to your left!!
(he found a person in the dark facing back to him)
Vidyut : hey! I know you!! you saved that family.
The Voice : oh you there!!
Vidyut : but how can you do that?I mean how you can move to different places with an instant ? and how you drained the battery of those cyborgs by just touching them ??
The Voice : I think you got a lot of questions about me, do you actually think that I have just touched them??
Vidyut : yeah I saw it!!
The Voice : I just send their batteries into future!!
Vidyut : means?
The Voice : which means, I have changed the present of those batteries into their future,the stage into which they needed to get charged!!
Vidyut : as they didn't get charged immediately they shutdown themselves, like a cell!!
Vidyut : So, what are you? a kind of superhero or avenger??
The Voice : Am a parradox!! I can move into the future of next hour!!
Vidyut : (with no cause he just checked his watch)OMG! it's just been 8-seconds!!(self muttered)How it's possible?
Parradox : (explained) Your watch is showing the time of your present and here in futurethe time is running differently according to your timeline,"one- second of your present time is equivalent to 1 hour of future's time", 8-seconds means you have been here for 8-hours!
Vidyut : how did you know I travelled into future??
The Voice : because you don't exist here!! you are dead since 3000, a 10 years ago!
Vidyut : how did you know me!
Parradox : it's your sculpture!
Vidyut : don't lie! that sculpture has a shattered face,the only thing left is my name!! and I was dead since 3000,(with anger)it means you know my identity, (shout) who the hell are you? turn around and show me your damn face!!
Parradox : you alway stand beyond my expectations Kid! Don't be afraid of my identity!