

Chapter 10
I knock on My master and mistress's son's door. "Uh master Uzumaki.....time to wake up. I opeaned his door and see him sit up in his bed. "What time is it?", he asked. "6:00 sir.", I answered. "You guys wake up that early?", he looked so surprised. I nodded. He sighed and got up. I walked towards him and handed him royal clothes. He looks at it like it's familiar. "Uh why do I need to wear this?", he raises it up and turns it over to looks at the back. "Well...y-you are going to visit your birth place for a a-about two hours master.", I looked at his eyes. His eyes seems more lighter, softer, and more....sparklely. "You know that you could just call me Naruto...right.", he said. I looked at him confused. "Really? W-well a-as you wish.", I got out of the room and closed the door.
The outfit really looks familiar...as if I had worn it before. I put the clothes on and looked in the mirror. I looked...like a prince. The white suit was made of smooth silk, gold at the edges of the sleeves, and white shoes. to go with it.
I walked towards the door and opened it. "What do you think?", I asked Hito. He looks at me up and down. "You look a lot like your father when he was a teenager.", he smiled softly. "Hey you spoke normally and your not stammering either.", I told him. Hito looked down at the floor shyly. "Uh how about we go ahead and get ready to leave.", Hito said and walked towards the living room. I followed. I looked at him and asked "Are you the same type of creature like my parents?" He shook his head no. "I am a Pixie and a troll. I can transform into a troll on a half moon, but most of the time...I am a Pixie. And no trolls do not eat humans or are ugly.", he said. "What do trolls eat then?", I waited for his answer. "Well...we eat berries, vestables, eggs that will never hatch, and rocks.", I made a sour face when he mentioned rocks. He must of saw me make the face because he added " We only eat the soft rocks. To other creatures it taste nasty, but to us trolls..it taste like cookies.", I laughed after he said cookies. Never even thought about rocks as cookies.
"Come on. I already sheduled our time to leave. We are going to be late if we don't hurry up!!!", I grabbed Minato hand and pulled him along with me. I grabbed both our white cloaks and him his cloak. I don't remember the last time that we have worn white ever since our son Naruto went missing. I ran to Naruto's living room and asked "Are ya'll guys ready." I smiled.
No...no..no that can't be me. Maybe it's just a coincidence. Is it? I ignored the voice in my head and stared at the painting. " And where did you find the painting?", I asked my brother. "It's not me who found it little brother. It was father. And I believe that a human did not kill mother and father....I think that this painting is the reason why that they are gone.", I was about to ask him why he thinks that, but then he said " Because....they got this painting at the same day when they died." I shook my head. It doesn't make sense. They bodies had explodes wooden stakes in their insides and only vampire slayers (which are human) kill with with stakes.
And if it is not a vampire slayer than...who? Why kill them...over this....this...stupid painting?
"Brother...there is also something else about the painting that I think that you might recognize.", he pionted to the background of the painting. I took a closer look because the background was a little hard to make out. There was a worn out treehouse that looked a little burnt with flowers(that was also burnt) around the railings. Then my brain started to hurt. Memories of me in a dark room, locked up as a child, mother along side me dead as well a father. Then a memory showed of Naruto bailing me out of the dark room with my brother, standing next to him. seconds later my head started throbbing with more pain. I put my hand on my head. A memory showed up in my head of the dark lord.....putting a knife to my throat.
"M-my lord I uh I ......uh I...h-have some news.", I stared at my weak servant with disgust. His teeth look busted, his hair was a mess, his clothes was torn, and he had cuts. Looks like he didn't follow one of the ruled. I moved my hand to tell him to go on. "W-well.....he is visiting.....his home....sh-shortly. And his parents are coming as w-well.", his eyes moved side to side in fear. This is really good news. That means I will finally have what is mine. " Well....why are you standing there for? Go and get ready for their arrival when I invite them. And tell the servants to put on some good clothes on. And you put on nice clothes, a mask, and fix your hair... it's a mess.", I am smirked, but the servant can't see behind my face. The servant nodded and ran really fast. Now I a I need to worry about is that stupid painting. I need to get it before they find the spell.