

The Beautiful Princess and The Prince dog
Once upon of time there was this beautiful princess named Trinity she lives in this huge castle with her father who was named king Beck he was so sweet and nice. One evening Trinity decided to go to her father and ask him for a dog but he didn't think she should have one so he told her that they are filthy little creatures that didn't belong in a beautiful castle. That night princess Trinity decided to go on a stroll along the side of the castle and suddenly she saw the bushes move and she was scared so she hid behing the statue of her father then the bushes stopped moving so she went over there and she looked behind the bushes and there he was a beautiful big blonde hairy dog. She fed him and walked him and talked to him then it started to get late and she heard her father call for her call for her so she screamed back and said hold on a second last but not least she named him and she named him prince Henry and from the night on she would visit him play with him and she got so attached.3 days later her dad found out and he was upset but also he was impressed what prince Henry could do and how he listened so finally princess Trinity was aloud to have prince Henry and only prince herny. King Beck got so attached and Henry had a wonderful life. One year later Trinity was told by her dad that prince Henry and her must have a dance or he wasn't aloud to be a Prince dog no more so every night Trinity would teach and teach Henry to dance and finally the time come for them to have the dance every one came to watch.Her father was super impressed that he announced that Henry can be a Royale dog every one was so happy for Trinity they went over there and gave her and him a huge congratulations. They had theost beautiful life anyone could have they was together forever ..😍😍
hoped y'all like it