

By the Contract: Part Four
"Hi Sam" the ginger haired girl waved walking towards him

He smiled at her and waved back. Shelly Hansen, the girl who crushed on him since seventh grade.

"Hi Shelly" he said as he closed his locker

"How're you?"

"I'm..." He paused then looked at her "I'm fine, you?"

"I'm okay" she smiled and blushed.

Girls were always crazy for him. His chestnut brown hair and grey eyes like his mother. He had deep dimples too that showed whenever he talked or smiled. He was the captain of the school basketball team.

He liked Shelly too, her warm smile and bright blue eyes. She was his best friend sister and part of the cheerleading team.

"So, what's up?"

"Nothing really" she replied shakily

"You're okay" they walked together to the basketball court. He could see the other girls eyeing him. He loved the attention and girl fights over him

"Sure, yeah I am"

"Okay" he didn't know what else to say, his heart was beating faster than normal

Shelly was the first girl he kissed during a truth or dare game at a camp when they were in ninth grade, she was the one that taught him how to swim.

"Hey Sammie" a tall blue haired guy waved at him

He waved back, he saw the girls stretch at one side of the court. They eyed and giggled as he walked past them.

"Yo, what's up?"

He dropped his backpack and joined his teammates

"Hey, didn't see your call" Edward, his best friend said as he threw the ball at him

"I forgot, so how's it gonna be?"


"Whoa? What're you guys planning on doing tonight?" Derek, their other friend joined them

"Planning on having some fun tonight" Edward chuckled

"Wow! Superb! Just as I had been hoping on doing"

"It's gonna be at Rocco's, I'm bringing Kara"

"Hehe...and I will be bringing some beautiful babes along for the night. How exciting!" Derek jumped excitedly

"Who're you gonna be bringing Sam?"

"Uhmm....I dunno" he bounced the ball

"Shelly right?" Derek teased

Sam looked at him. Derek didn't know how to keep secrets

"I...I...I don't know" He continued bouncing the ball

Edward looked at him. His eyes flaring with anger. He liked his sister and never told him. How dare he? Sam avoided his eyes, continued bouncing the ball.

He walked up to him and punched him in the face. Everyone's gasped and turned their attention turned to them

"Meet me outside" Edward said and walked out

Sam followed him, his lips bruised.

She watched them go, she knew her brother, what he could do. She saw them leave praying so hard he does nothing to him.


"Hello, Eleanor's residence, how may I help you?"

"Did you get the package?" the voice said

"Excuse me, may I know who this is?"

"Good, I can see you've gotten it already"

"Who the hell are you?"

"There will be another package at your doorstep in one hour, till then"


The caller had hung up. She looked at the brown envelope lying on the table. She wasn't expecting anything from anybody and it definitely wasn't to be delivered to Sam.

She opened the envelope carefully and read the letter in it.

Koresan Tower,

Eight P.M.

She dropped the letter on the table and immediately called Sam

"Hey Sam"

"Lexie, is there anything wrong?"

"No, not really"

"Oh all right, I'll be home by eight, need to be somewhere"

"Okay, but...uhm...are you expecting a package or something?"

"...nope. Did you get a package?"

"Yeah, sort of"

"Hehe, maybe you finally have an admirer here in Stanes, what's in it?" Sam teased

"Not at all, it's nothing"

"A gift? Or what?"

"It's nothing Sam, take care. Bye". She said immediately and hung up.

Koresan Tower, she knew where it was but who was trying to meet her?. Her mind was racing, suddenly her phone rang again.

A private number.

She answered but didn't say anything

"I see you've opened the package" the caller said

She didn't say anything. Her heart was beating faster than before.

"You'll see a black Jeep in front of your house soon. Follow it"

She hung up and stood up to check the window, there was no car there yet. She checked the time on her phone. 7:18PM

She went back to sit then her phone buzzed. A message.

It was pictures of her when she received the package, received the first call, the second. When she checked the window and another of her sitting reading the message.

She threw her phone away, she was really scared now. Was she being stalked? Her heartbeat ran faster than normal.

Sam left the house before she did and she made sure she locked the door after he left.

She got up and searched frantically around the house, searching for cameras but there was none.

She picked up her phone and ran upstairs. She called Sam

"Are you coming home soon?"

"What's wrong Lexie? Are you okay?" He asked

"Yesyes" trying to calm herself but she was shaking hard

"Might be late, going out with the guys"

"Oh...okay then, bye"

She checked the window and saw a black car. A young man in black suit got down from the car and walked to the door

She tightened her grip on the curtain and swallowed hard.

The doorbell rang twice. Followed by a soft knock on the door. She closed her eyes, straightened her clothes, sighed and headed downstairs.

The doorbell rang again and she opened the door halfway

"Hello, how may I help you?" She said trying to avoid her voice from shaking

"Hello Miss Alexia" the man said smiling while he checked the time on his watch

"Hello" she eyed him. She followed him quietly, her hands gripped tightly on her phone.

They drove quietly till they got to their destination. Koresan Tower.

The car parked and a short man in black suit opened the door.

"This way please" the man said and she followed him

There were no signs of the bustling of people as it always was on a normal day. Dark suited men standing like statues only stood at each corner and entrance.

She looked around, a knot tightened in her stomach. She felt uneasy.

The elevator door opened and the man pushed a button, floor 208 , the highest floor. That was where he was taking her to.

The elevator door opened and the cold air of fear blew on her. She followed the man in who bowed at the sight of the back of a woman facing the window.


Astrid sat eyes closed as she drummed her fingers on the table. She knew she was there already.

"We're here ma'am" Mr Hurley, the short man said bowing

Astrid turned her chair and saw the Alexia Meyers she had stalked without stress, she wore a big sized grey turtle neck and a black jean. Her blue bunny-eared head warmer covered her hair showing the front roots of her hair. She looked very casual, Astrid studies her carefully as she watched her amber eyes scan the room.

Alexia looked back at her with fearlessness and confidence boldly written in her face.

She sat on the edge of the table and signalled the rest to leave. They were the only ones left in the big room.

"Sit" she kept her gaze on her

She sat on the chair a bit far from her. She clenched her fists and looked back at her. She looked like a celebrity she had seen online a lot, her tomato red suit matched her black stilettos. Her blonde hair dazzled with top notch expensive hair care. She wasnt just an ordinary person, she assessed her from head to toe. She was strikingly familiar, an intimidating presence that made her heart pound faster

She could feel her gaze all over her. She felt uneasy, they were the only one in the room.

"Who are you?"

She walked carefully to where Alexia was and dragged a chair

"I am someone you wished you never messed with"

What the hell? She thought.

"Who the hell are you? That's what I'm asking!" Irritated already at her words

hot tempered, confident she assessed her.

She threw a brown envelope at her

"Open it"

She studied the envelope on her lap before opening it a bit.

It was a contract.

"What's this got to do with me?" Alexia was irritated already unbothered about what she was holding

"You don't know what this is?" Astrid asked her, her gaze still on her

"Why don't you check it out before concluding, if you dont like it then no problem"

She stood up smiling and went towards the big window, her stilettos carefully sounding on the sleek tiles. She had gotten her confused, what she loved doing the most, taking control of the mind, making them speechless.

"Why am I here?" Alexia looked at her "you kidnapping me and not telling me why you did"

"You havent checked what youre holding" she said calmly

She was quiet, her mind tried to comprehend what the classy blonde lady was saying

"Check it out first " she walked towards her "you cant jump to conclusions yet"

She read her countenance. confusion

"So what do you say?" she walked towards her giving her a warming smile

She carefully opened the envelope and read it

What does it look like? Astrid dipped her hands in her pocket and crossed her legs

The air was tense. They stared at each other.

"This is" Alexia said mouth agape

"Yes it is Astrid laughed, she seemed shocked.

"You are Astrid oh my God she covered her mouth. This wasnt happening to her. Sitting in front of a superstar, having a face to face conversation with her and asking her to become her stylist. Hair stylist for that matter.

"its okay Alexia, it happens a lot" she laughed again

"How did you know my name?" Alexia asked, she was sure there was no way she would have known who she was

"Well, a friend recommended you to me and I also made my findings about you"

"So you sent the package?" Now she started to put the pieces together, the whole thing was her from the start

"Actually I did but I didnt mean to scare you, that was the only way to get to you without calling for attention" Astrid explained

"Oh..." Alexia paused to look at her again. She couldnt believe this was happening to her. Face to face with the celebrity she adored. "But..." she stopped

"So what do you say to that?" Astrid said pointing to the papers on the table

"Well, why do you? I mean why do you want me as your hairstylist, you have lots of celebrity stylists at your service"

"I do but I decided to choose you, I've discussed it with my manager and he said you're okay and your works are great too"

"Thank you" Alexia tucked her hair behind her ear, the best compliment she has ever heard in her life

"Any thoughts on my offer?" she folded her arms

"I'll...I'm going to think about it" Alexia was nervous, this was a great offer but it looked suspicious, so fast and surreal.

"I'll give you time, here's my card" she gave her a golden card "call me when you've decided" she smiled again, the warm smile that was always on her face.

"Thank you" she said collecting the card from her

"Mr Hurley will drive you back home" She waved to her excitedly "bye...!"

Alexia waved back, different feelings swept through her at the same time. The chauffeur opened the black Mercedes Benz as she got in.

Her phone buzzed, it was a message from Astrid. How did she get her number?

'I expect a reply in three days, don't keep me waiting'

Astrid W.

She put the phone back in her pocket, Judy needs to know about this as soon as possible. The classic music played softly from the stereo, her head was full of unanswered questions and she needed to find out the answers.


He pushed him hard against the wall and landed him a punch on his face

"How dare you?"

He didn't say a word, there was nothing to say to him, he truly deserved to be angry at him

"Talk to me Sam and tell me what really happened"

"Ed" he started "I'm sorry"

"Just tell me why it had to be Shelly?" he banged his feet against the wall

"I'm sorry"

"Don't tell me you're sorry Sam, I need ANSWERS!"

"I LOVE HER ED, I really love Shelly" Sam glared at Ed, clenching his fist

"Why did it have to be her Sam? why?"

"I'm not allowed to love her right?"


"I don't deserve to love her? that's what you're saying?"


"Edward, you gotta have to answer me right now, don't I deserve to love her? you're against it? just tell me why you're damn angry at me loving Shelly" Sam was angry. Edward didn't trust him, he loved Shelly and she wasn't part of his games, she was real to him.

"You..." he slammed his fist against the wall next to Sam's face and left his cloth.

© Bluebear