

Love Birds Journey episode 4

Meanwhile, Anjali calls Ashwin asking "where are you..??" He replies "On the way" .

Anjali - Ok. One guy is looking at me from 1 hour.

Ashwin - Ohh.. who is he ??

Anjali - I don't know.. may be Gautham's classmate. You come fast.

Ashwin - Ok.
The party begins with speeches and Anjali feels bore and started chit chatting with her friends. Ashwin sits left side which is cross to Anjali. Suddenly, she laughs and turns her head to left. She notices the guy again looking at her. She texts Ashwin, to ask how much time it takes to reach the college. Then, Ashwin replies.....
"I am in your college". I have seen you.. You looks soo beautiful in saree.
Anjali get's shocked at the same time she feels very happy with his words.
Anjali - what ? when did you come ? Ok tell me where are you now ?

Ashwin - Acha.... No...!!

Anjali - Mad fellow..!! please tell me.

Ashwin - Ok cool...!!! Come to canteen.

Anjali then goes to canteen and looks to her left and right. No one will be there. Then, she starts texting Ashwin. Meanwhile, Ashwin calls and says "turn back". Oh my god....!!! She is surprised and shocked. Finally, now she came to know that the guy who was looking at her from morning is none other but "Ashwin". She is standing close to Ashwin and they are looking each other deeply. Anjali's looks and her beauty attracts Ashwin very much. There are no words between them for a couple of seconds. Her hands got sweat and she is little bit tensed. They did not understand the feeling which they are facing. Then, Ashwin started talking.. saying "Hiii...". She smiled and said "Hi".
She thinks "My god... Ashwin followed me from morning" and she laughs inside. She is feeling shy to talk with Ashwin. She doesn't understand what to talk actually and remained silent. Then, Ashwin said "Hey... you look soo beautiful in saree". Anjali smiled and replied "Thankyou".
Ashwin - how is my surprise..?
Anjali laughs and said " Really I did not expect". It's really beautiful surprise. And you look handsome.

Ashwin - Oh really...!! Thankyou.
Actually Ashwin wanted to touch her hand as she looks so beautiful. But he thinks that "Anjali might get bad impression on him" and he refuses. Meanwhile, Harika and Gautham comes and they all together had their lunch and after that Anjali and Ashwin comes a side and they talk for a couple of minutes about their friends and party. And then they started moving from that place. Suddenly, Anjali slips and about to fall down. As Ashwin is beside of her he immediately holds her from back with his left hand, and holds her left hand tightly with his right hand. They are looking at each other deeply and their heart started beating fast. They are taking speed breath.
Wow...!!! They are completely in romantic mood.....!!!
That looks wonderful....!!!!

As she looks like an "Angel", he wants to kiss her. But he did not. After couple of seconds, Anjali pushes him back and she moves from there. Ashwin thinks that Anjali might got angry and he fully disappointed. He is waiting for Anjali to turn back and look at him "if she is cool". Ashwin keep on looking at her. Anjali goes some steps forward and she turns back and looks at him with a small smile and then immediately she moves from there.
Wow....!!! That's really a beautiful scene...
Ashwin starts following her. Then Gautham came and stops Ashwin saying "Dude... where are you going..??"

Ashwin - Hey... Am searching for you man...

Gautham - Hahaha...!! I know you are following Anjali. Common man...!!! what's the matter ?? I want party....!!!

Ashwin - Hey ...!! No man ... there is nothing. She is a nice girl and looks so beautiful.

Gautham - I know that she looks beautiful. Tell me do you love her ?

Ashwin - Hahaha...!! No... I like her. We are just friends.

Gautham - Ohh... I will see for how long this friendship continues..

The party ends and Anjali, Harika, Ashwin and Gautham all together got into the same bus. Anjali and Ashwin involved in chit chatting and they don't care about Harika and Gautham.

Continues on next Friday...!!!
THANKYOU GUYS for spending your valuable time in reading my story..
Kindly share your comments and views.
Keep following what happens next...!!