

Not a mistake a big problem part-3 deal with humans
Plz first read other parts
or else you won't understand
scientists- Daniel, pedro, Brent, Charlotte
villan - A strange looking animal
( New character I will mention in story)

(In last part we saw Daniel cut the hand of creature and it grew again and from that hand another creature arises and creature roars and started breaking houses and eating people

man 1 - runnnnnn!
Man 2-no we have to fight against the creature
(cuts the creature into eight parts)
Man 2 -oh no what did I did
( saying this he ran)
brent - what to do
Charlotte- have no idea
creature-( roars loud) humans listen
(Everyone is scared)
Creature- we the creature promise you that we won't eat humans but you have to deal that you will work for us in return we won't eat you we are the king and you are servants or else prepare your death bed!!! we will give you some time for thinking ( saying this he left)
brent - I have an idea
daniel- what
brent - I won't tell you will see tommorrow
(Everyone left for home)
brent - I have to walk slowly
( oh no brent is going where are creature planning to do next )
( head creature is sleeping)
brent - I will take some blood out from it
(no brent don't do this , it could be dangerous)
brent- hey creature your last day on earth!!
(creature open his eyes)
brent -😶😶😰😨..................

Author talks
now what the creature is up?will brent would be save? will someone help brent? or he will die,next chapter is very interesting, hope you like this chapter

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